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We manage a wide variety of assets across our city valued at $1.8 billion. These assets support the everyday lives and wellbeing of our community and enable our city to run and thrive

At PAE we manage our assets to provide a suitable level of service to current and future generations in the most cost-effective manner. Our approach is strategic and aligned with industry standards to ensure that we manage our assets effectively and sustainably.

The role of our Asset Management Plans (AMPs) is to review the current and ongoing costs required for the delivery of our various assets across council, to ensure they meet the needs of our community and are managed in a financially sustainable manner.

The financial values estimated in the AMPs are transferred to our Long-Term Financial Plan (LTFP) to forecast future costs and budgets to ensure that we can accommodate projected investment in infrastructure without detriment to PAE’s financial sustainability. AMPs go on to inform our annual budgeting and planning processes across council as well as work programming.

During September and October 2024, we asked for your feedback on all six of our draft AMPs as well as our draft LTFP. Engagement closed on Sunday 13 October 2024. You can read about what we heard from our community by viewing the engagement summary tab.

At the Ordinary Council Meeting on 12 November 2024, the six Asset Management Plans and our Long-Term Financial Plan 2025-34, were endorsed by Council. This incorporated an amendment that was made to the draft Open Space AMP.You can view the final documents under the Document Library.

AMP Overview

What assets do we own and manage?

Engagement summary

What we asked

We asked our community to provide feedback on our 6 draft AMPs and our draft LTFP 2025-34. We asked how satisfied our community are that we are working diligently to:

  • Understand and manage our different assets
  • Understand and manage our long-term financial commitments to ensure financial stability

How we asked

What we heard

  • Engagement responses

    Four community feedback responses were received during the engagement. Three responses were received via the online feedback form and one as a written response.

  • Written response

    One written response received.

    Request for the fast tracking of the replacement of the existing public toilet building at Semaphore Tennis Club in Wills St Largs Bay.

Feedback form responses

  • Road AMP

    One feedback response received.

    How satisfied are you that we are working diligently to understand and manage our Road assets?

    Response: Dissatisfied

    Commentary: Roads within new housing estates are far too narrow.

  • Footpath AMP

    One feedback response received.

    How satisfied are you that we are working diligently to understand and manage our Road assets?

    Response: Dissatisfied

    Commentary: Request for more local maintenance e.g. council staff drive around with teams to check all footpaths.

  • Open Space AMP

    One feedback response received.

    How satisfied are you that we are working diligently to understand and manage our Open Space assets?

    Response: Neutral

    Commentary: None

  • General comment

    More bus shelters and seating along the 157 bus service between Largs Bay and West Lakes


We are currently reviewing and seeking feedback on all six of our draft AMPs listed below:

Our Six Asset Management Plans


Under the Local Government Act 1999, we are required to develop and adopt a Long-Term Financial Plan (LTFP) that covers a period of 10 years. This plan in conjunction with the City Vision and Asset Management Plans (AMPs), is integral to our Strategic Management Framework.

Our AMPs aim to predict infrastructure consumption and renewal needs and to consider infrastructure requirements to meet future community service expectations. The AMPs set out the forecast capital, maintenance, and operating requirements of the council for the next 10 years, while the LFTP reflects associated expenditure requirements to ensure that we can accommodate projected investment in infrastructure without affecting our financial sustainability

We currently manage an asset base worth over $1.8 billion, comprising mostly infrastructure, land and buildings. We plan to spend around $443 million replacing and renewing assets as well as providing new and upgraded assets over 10 years. This expenditure is embedded in the relevant AMPs. In addition, we have incorporated high-level construction estimates for Semaphore Foreshore, as well as Inclusive Sport Facility investments in, among others, E P Nazer and John Hart Reserves and Port Adelaide Reserve.

Our LTFP is updated annually in order to align current cost predictions, relevant risks, opportunities and mitigation strategies. We are currently seeking feedback on our draft LTFP 2025-34.


Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:

Contact Information
Phone 08 8405 6600
Community Engagement

Our Community Engagement Policy

Note name and address are required to comply with Council’s Public Consultation Policy. All submissions will be treated as public documents upon receipt.

Closing the loop, we will make efforts to 'close-the-loop' with project contributors and followers. We may occasionally send information to acknowledge a contribution, provide key updates on engagement and project processes and outcomes.