Why we engaged

The Lights Community and Sports Centre (The Lights) opened on 26 October 2019 and is now in its third year of operation. A commitment was made to review the centre in its third year of operation.

This review of The Lights provided a valuable opportunity to additionally review the Lefevre Community Stadium (Lefevre) which has not been externally reviewed since opening in June 2011. This specific engagement focussed on measuring our customer and service quality against national benchmarks.

How we engaged

We engaged the University of SA – CERM PI – to assess the customer and service quality of both the Lights and Lefevre Community and Sports Centres. CERM PI facilitate performance excellence by conducting organisational assessments of facilities and services and are the sole provider of national benchmarking data for public sports and leisure facilities.

Surveys were undertaken by key stakeholders including sporting and community groups using the centre regularly, participants from centre run programs, casual users, and parents amongst others.

What we heard

A total of 88 people responded to the survey.

The centre received an extremely positive response regarding customer satisfaction with 98% of people recommending Lefevre to others and above the CERM PI benchmark for resolving problems.

The centre was rated high for being well maintained, clean and friendly staff, and best performing attributes included high quality and well-maintained equipment, being well maintained and always clean. The centre received a Customer Service Quality Score of 101%.

In comparison with the CERM PI benchmarks Lefevre’s best performing attributes were ‘Improved Physical Fitness’ Improved well-being’, and ‘Improved Health’.

52% of customers travel less than 5kms to attend the centre and 87% less than 10kms.

Next steps

We recently reviewed the management model for both of our community stadiums and at the Council Meeting on 9 August 2022, your comments and feedback were discussed by Council, who decided to continue with an internal management model.

The comments you made during the consultation process for the review, highlights the important role that both The Lights and Lefevre play in our community.

Thank you to everyone who uses these facilities, as your support plays an important role in the success of each centre. We are very excited to continue working with our community and delivering great programs and services.