What's happening

As part of the 2020-21 public toilet plan, the City of PAE proposed to replace and relocate the amenities building in Company Square Reserve, Alberton. The project was then included in the 2022–23 Capital Works program for public consultation and design.

The original building, which is adjacent to the tennis courts, is located away from other amenities like the playground, BBQ area, walkway and the open space on the northern side of the reserve. We feel that this is a great opportunity to relocate the toilets to a more suitable location.

The area for consideration provided in the aerial map has the following benefits for users and the general community:

  • It improves access for all reserve users.
  • It is more central.
  • It is connected to the existing path.
  • It is closer to other amenities within the reserve.

Please see the aerial map shown for more information about the proposed new location, which is subject to further site investigation and service location.

What we asked

During July and August 2022, we asked for your feedback on the proposed location for the new Company Square Reserve toilet facility and if you had any other feedback or concerns about the toilet replacement.

We sent a letter and hard copy survey to residents in close proximity to the reserve, as well as providing an online survey on Participate PAE.

What we heard

Key themes and concerns

  • Support for new location
  • Unisex toilets
  • Removal of any existing trees
  • Existing mural
  • Lighting at night

Next steps

Council staff have reviewed the feedback received from the recent consultation about the new public toilet building in Company Square Reserve and are satisfied that most residents are happy with the new location.

We have now finalised the development plans, approved the construction of the new toilet building and appointed a contractor. We are aiming to begin work in early April 2024 and to finish towards the end of July 2024.

We feel this location will benefit all users and the general community as it is more central within the reserve, connected to the existing path and closer to other amenities such as the playground and BBQ area.

We would like to thank you for providing valuable feedback on the proposal and look forward to a successful completion of the project.