The Torrens to Torrens (T2T) and Regency to Pym (R2P) sections of the North-South Corridor have resulted in significant changes to the operation of the local road network in the Devon Park, Dudley Park and Croydon Park areas. The partial severance of Pym Street (access will be restricted to left turn in and out) at South Road will result in traffic redistribution in the local area and changes to bus routes.

The LATM plan provides for road safety and traffic management throughout the area and includes heavy vehicle management along Exeter Terrace, delineation improvements, road safety improvements (including several roundabout installations) and a number of parking improvements.

Final LATM Plan Community Engagement

Thank you for your support and valuable feedback during the course of the Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) Plan for Dudley Park, Croydon Park, Devon Park and Renown Park.

We wish to advise that the Final LATM Plan has been approved by Council for construction as 13 October 2020 at Council’s Ordinary Meeting.

Since our letter dated 7 August 2020 to you seeking feedback regarding the Draft LATM Plan, Council received 68 responses (3.63% of total) and also sought the feedback from directly-affected properties regarding each individual proposal under the Plan.

We have reviewed all community feedback and updated the Scheme where feasible. Community feedback received was very supportive of the Draft LATM Plan at a positive response rate of 51%, whilst 42% of responses were still supportive with changes.

Acknowledging the feedback from those who supported the scheme ‘with changes’, the LATM Draft Plan has been amended with the following changes to generally address the issues raised:

  • Shorten pavement bars at the intersection of Oldsmobile Terrace and Cowley Avenue
  • To not remove the 1 hour parking restrictions for Alexander Avenue
  • Shorten pavement bars at the intersection of Belford/Torrington and Byrnes
  • Push the proposed roundabout at the intersection of Chrysler and Wolseley to Stage 2 considerations
  • Further consideration to be given to additional traffic control on Exeter Terrace between Belford and Cavendish as part of Stage 2 considerations
  • New pavement bars on corner of Cavendish and Exeter
  • 10 metre statutory no stopping parking restrictions to be installed at Charon and Hotchkiss
  • Further no stopping in front of pedestrian access from train station in Exeter Terrace
  • Consult with businesses on a proposal to restrict some parking in Islington Court to improve traffic flow

Please refer to the Document Library for further details on the alterations planned as part of this project.

The Document Library also contains copies of the two Council Reports considered, as well as a Community Feedback Summary (including actions taken).

Next Steps

Construction activities for the LATM Plan will begin in 2021 and continue through financial year 2021/22. Properties adjacent any recommendations will receive a notification of works letter from the Construction team closer to the date of construction commencing.

The LATM Plan will be implemented in stages, with Stage 1 to be implemented in 2021 and Stage 2 treatments to be installed, subject to a review of traffic conditions following the completion of the Regency to Pym project in early 2022.

We will continue to monitor traffic safety in the local area before and after the implementation of the LATM Plan.