What's happening

At PAE, we are committed to improving road safety and creating a safer roadside environment. This includes working with the community through our Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) program to understand and resolve local traffic issues.

The LATM program is aimed at improving local traffic, pedestrian, cyclist and parking issues.

We asked you to share your traffic related experiences or concerns about your street and neighbourhood. This will allow us to better understand your local issues and develop traffic solutions, as necessary.

Engagement closed on Tuesday 7 November 2023.

What we asked

We asked residents:

  • How they normally travel down Amanga and Barli Streets
  • If they have any traffic issues or concerns with their street or streets in their neighbourhood
  • If they have any issues or concerns with the intersection of Grand Junction Road and Amanga Street or any other intersections in their neighbourhood

How we asked

What we heard

How do you travel along Amanga and Barli Streets?

Traffic issues or concerns with your street or streets in your neighbourhood

  • Car parking concerns on Amanga and Barli Streets (cars parked on both sides of the road)
  • Turning into / accessing Amanga Street from Grand Junction Road
  • Turning right onto Grand Junction Rd from Amanga Street

Issues or concerns with the intersection of Grand Junction Road and Amanga Street

  • Parking on both sides of Amanga Street is a safety issue as only one car can travel through at a time
  • Consider changing parking to only one-side of road or restricting completely from Mira and Barli Streets to Amanga street
  • Dangerous entering Amanga Street from Grand Junction and exiting onto Grand Junction
  • Location of bus stop causes extra congestion

Issues or concerns with any other intersections in your neighbourhood

  • Grand Junction & Dover St needs 'keep clear' sign/area to give flow of traffic for cars turning right into Dover Street
  • Concerns with more traffic due to new people moving to Gepps Cross
  • Difficulty getting across Grand Junction Road to access Main North Road need to cross 3 lanes of traffic
  • Traffic coming from Main North Road have to cross 3 lanes to enable access Amanga Street

Any other comments

  • Comments against Jarvis development
  • Resident only parking areas/permits
  • Signage stating that you can't use Terama or Amanga Streets to access Main North Road


At the Ordinary Council Meeting on 12 December 2023, Council received and noted the Report titled "Gepps Cross, Northfield (North), Walkley Heights & Valley View – Local Area Traffic Management Scheme – Community Feedback" and supported further consultation with directly impacted residents and property owners on the following treatments:

  • Terama Street, Gepps Cross – Parking Lanes and Painted Median Island
  • Terama Street & Lilka Street, Gepps Cross – Pavement Bar Median and Painted Median Island
  • Amanga Street, Gepps Cross – No Stopping lines on the western side of Amanga Street from Grand Junction Road to Barli Cres
  • Formalisation of centre line marking and yellow line marking at the Barli Crescent bend and intersections of Amanga Street & Barli Crescent as well as the Amanga Street & Mira Street intersection

Community consultation has now occurred and proposed treatments will be implemented during the 2024/ 2025 financial year.