Final Integrated Transport Strategy
Previous Engagement
What were we engaging on?
In March 2020 we asked how you travel, what is important to you and your experience of transport issues in PAE. We also asked you to pinpoint transport issues and ideas on an interactive map.
What did we hear?
We received 167 formal submissions through community engagement activities. An online mapping tool also saw 210 transport issues and 119 ideas identified. You can see the map of ideas and issues below.
We have reviewed all submissions to better understand the transport issues that are important to our Community. These submissions were used to identify the key transport themes within the Integrated Transport Strategy and develop a tailored action plan.
This feedback has shaped the development of the draft Strategy.
Six key transport themes were identified. The key themes are:
- Active Transport (walking and cycling)
- Public Transport
- Traffic Management and Road Safety
- Managing parking Demand
- Integrated Land Use and Transport Planning
- Freight: Movement of Goods and Services
Under each theme we have set clear Strategic Directions, Indicators and Targets to measure success. This will allow us to develop strategies and programs of works to better deliver transport services for our Community.
What we're engaging on now
With your contributions we have developed a draft Integrated Transport Strategy and a draft Walking and Cycling Plan. These documents look beyond vehicular transport to focus on all ways of travelling, local and beyond.
Are we on the right track? We want to hear your thoughts.
Find out more and complete the surveys
- Integrated Transport Strategy
- Walking and Cycling Plan
Contact Us
Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:
Phone | 08 8405 6600 |
consultation@cityofpae.sa.gov.au | |
Website | www.cityofpae.sa.gov.au |
Community Engagement
Our Community Engagement Policy
Note name and address are required to comply with Council’s Public Consultation Policy. All submissions will be treated as public documents upon receipt.
Closing the loop, we will make efforts to 'close-the-loop' with project contributors and followers. We may occasionally send information to acknowledge a contribution, provide key updates on engagement and project processes and outcomes.