What's happening

As part of the City of PAE’s Public Toilet Plan (adopted in October 2020), we proposed to construct a new amenities building in Linear Park, Windsor Gardens.

As you follow the path in Linear Park, it is evident that there are not many opportunities for the general public to access toilet facilities. As such, we propose to construct a new public toilet building, and we have suggested a location for your consideration.

The location we are proposing will benefit users and the general community in the following ways:

  • It improves access for everyone using the reserve and the path
  • It is near the Windsor Gardens Caravan Park
  • It is connected to the existing path
  • It is near other amenities within the reserve (playground, BBQ area and gym)
  • It is located in a highly visible area that many people use

The proposed toilet building includes two unisex, DDA compliant, and family-friendly, cubicles, equipped with baby change tables.

Please see the map below showing the proposed location, which is subject to further site investigation and service location. We have also provided images of the suggested toilet layout and design.

This engagement closed on Sunday 17 December 2023.

What we asked

We asked our community if you supported the proposed location for a new public toilet building in Linear Park, Windsor Gardens.

How we asked

What we heard

Key responses received through engagement feedback:

  • Support for new toilet facility and proposed location (12)
  • Suggestion of an alternative toilet location (3)
  • Concerns about river views / amenity being obstructed (2)
  • Requests for natural design of toilet facility (2)
  • Ensuring accessibility of toilet facility including path access, lighting and signage regarding opening times (2)

Next steps

Following feedback received during community engagement showing support from residents for a toilet facility at this location, we have now finalised the development plans, approved the construction of the new toilet building and appointed a contractor. We are aiming to begin work in early April 2024 and to finish towards the end of July 2024.