What's happening

We want everyone in our community to have the opportunity to play and to help achieve this, we want to ensure that everyone can access a playground within a reasonable distance from their home.

Our Active Recreation Facilities Plan identified Windsor Gardens as an area of playground under supply. The plan recommends the establishment of a new playground at McLauchlan Road Reserve and budget of $30,000 has been allocated in 2023/2024 for engagement and design of the new playground, pending community engagement findings.

We asked for your feedback on the proposal to establish a new playground at McLauchlan Road Reserve. This project will include supporting amenities such as access paths, a picnic shelter and seating and a fence along McLauchlan Rd.

This engagement closed on Tuesday 3 October 2023.

What we asked

We asked our community if they supported the proposal to install a new playground McLauchlan Road Reserve and if yes, what play equipment they would like to have included.

How we asked

What we heard

Do you support the proposal?

Do you support the proposed location?

What play equipment would you like to see at this site?

We know that swings, slides and climbing equipment is essential. We asked participants what fourth play element they would like to see, if they supported the playground proposal. Two respondents voted twice.

Key comments, requests and concerns

  • Concerns regarding volume of traffic and speeding on McLauchlan Rd
  • Concerns regarding possible increased traffic and parking around playground
  • Requests for supporting amenities: bins, seating, drink fountain, lighting
  • Additional recreation elements e.g. soccer goals
  • Accessible play equipment and variety of play equipment
  • Shade - playground positioned under existing shade or provision of shade
  • Need for fencing to ensure safety near busy road
  • Retention of open space for ball sports and dog exercise
  • Questions regarding why other surrounding open spaces hadn't been considered for a new playground or playground upgrade. Other sites that were suggested were either being investigated for other future projects or outside of the 300m walking radius between playgrounds that we were looking to achieve. All existing playgrounds will continue to be maintained and replaced inline with our Parks and Gardens Asset Management Plan.

Next steps

Following the engagement results showing strong support for further investigation into a playground at this location, we have worked with a landscape architect to determine the best locations for a playground at this site and will prepare a draft concept design to share with our community in 2024.

Our Traffic and Transport Team are considering formalised parking options on McLauchlan Rd that would provide additional parking opportunities and provide a natural slowing of traffic through the narrowing of this area of road.

At the Ordinary Council Meeting on 13 February 2024, Council resolved to support the recommendation to endorse Option #1 as the preferred location of the new playground at McLauchlan Road Reserve, and that funding of $350,000 for the construction of the new playground be referred to the 2024-2025 Draft Annual Budget Plan. The meeting agenda and minutes can be read in full on the City of PAE Website.

The Annual Business Plan 2024-25 was endorsed by Council at the Special Council Meeting held on 25 June 2024.