What's happening
We are reviewing our City Plan 2030 which represents the vision and aspirations for PAE.
As a place to live, visit and invest, what do we want to be famous for?
Thank you for sharing your ideas and feedback about what you believe is important in our future to ensure PAE is a great place to live, visit and invest in.
This engagement closed on Sunday 9 July 2023.
What we asked
We asked our community to think about the City of Port Adelaide Enfield as a place to live, a place to invest and a place to visit and tell us:
How we asked
We asked our community to answer two questions via an online survey on Participate PAE and received 38 responses.
What we heard
1. What are the things you would like the City to be famous for in the future? What are the great things about our City that you would like to tell the world?
2. If you were to describe the City of PAE as a PLACE in three words or a brief statement, what would that be?
Next steps
We will ensure community feedback is considered in the revised City Plan 2030 strategy and strive to represent the aspirations of our community in the PAE place brand and culture.