Polonia Reserve Official Opening
Join us from 11am to 2pm, Saturday 5 August for a shared Polish lunch, coffee van, face painters, balloon twisters, sport and cultural performances.
What's happening?
Exciting changes are happening in Croydon Park!
Following its partial closure for the South Road upgrade, Polonia Reserve has re-opened and a portion of this land will be redeveloped into open space for community use. The Croydon Kings Football Club has relocated to Regency Park Oval and the retired club facilities at Polonia Reserve are being demolished.
The Polonia Reserve upgrade will include an open kick about lawn, play space and storm water detention area. Opportunities also exist for new path and cycling connections through the reserve to better connect residents to South Road and the nearby Janice Jensen Linear Reserve.
What we heard
We reached out to to get your ideas and feedback during two stages of community engagement about the upgrade of Polonia Reserve.
Stage 1: We asked you what play elements and reserve facilities you wanted to see included in the upgrade.
Stage 2: We asked you to review the draft concept design for Polonia Reserve and provide your feedback.
Thank you to everyone who got involved in both stages of engagement - your thoughts have helped shape the final design for the new Polonia Reserve in Croydon Park.
Results from both stages of engagement can be found by following the links below.
Final Concept Design
Click on the highlighted dots to see the different features and amenities that have been incorporated into the final concept design.

Next steps
Construction works at Polonia Reserve will begin in November 2022. The works program includes:
- Earthworks - November 2022
- Path network - January 2023
- Playspace, toilet amenities and shelters - March 2023
- Irrigation, lawn and plantings - June 2023
All works shall be concluded by July 2023 subject to inclement weather slowing the project.