Council has been requested to consider a proposal to transfer a small piece of South Parkway Reserve at 163-171 East Parkway, Lightsview (‘the Reserve’) to the State Government’s Urban Renewal Authority (‘the URA’), as the adjoining owner, to rectify the encroachment of a roof overhang and associated outdoor dining. The URA wishes to rectify the encroachment by consolidating the encroached land with its adjacent land holding as a long term solution. If approved, the URA will be required to pay the costs associated with the revocation and transfer process.
The area proposed for revocation is identified as ‘Reserve’ on the attached Plan available in the Document Library.
More information about the proposed revocation is contained in the Report for Public Consultation Report which is available in the Document Library.
You are invited to provide your comments about the proposal by:
- Signing in (registering is quick and easy) and leaving your in the feedback form below
- Writing to
Manager Property & Building Assets
City of Port Adelaide Enfield
PO Box 110, Port Adelaide SA 5015
- Sending a submission by email to:
Submission requirements
- All comments must be received by Council by 5pm Wednesday 28 April 2021
- Submission must be made in writing headed
‘Community Land Revocation – ‘Portion of South Parkway Reserve’, Lightsview’ - Submissions must include your name, address and contact information.
Please note, all submissions will become public documents upon receipt.