What's happening

We asked you if you would you like to see a new playground at Regency Park Oval.

We want everyone in our community to have the opportunity to play and to help achieve this, we want to ensure that everyone can access a playground within a reasonable distance from their home.

We have allocated a budget of $50,000 in 2024‑25 as the first step in establishing a new playground at Regency Park Oval. This money will go towards designing the playground and seeking feedback on the proposal through our community engagement process.

Thank you to everyone who shared their feedback on the proposal. Community engagement closed on Sunday 2 October 2024. You can find out what we heard from our community by viewing the engagement summary below.

Engagement summary

What we asked

We asked our community if you wanted to have a new playground at Regency Park Oval and if yes, if you supported the proposed location and what play equipment you would most like to see.

How we asked

What we heard

Please explain your concerns about the playground proposal:

  • Addition of a playground could increase antisocial behaviour at the oval
  • Requests for a basketball halfcourt to be included as part of the project
  • Requests for the playground to be fenced
  • Concerns about safety at the reserve

Please explain any concerns about the playground location:

  • Requests for the playground to be fenced
  • Concerns about the effects on the soccer club
  • Concerns about increased parking

Is there any other feedback you would like to share about the proposal?

  • Requests for gym equipment to be included at the oval
  • Requests for additional amenities such as seating, tables, BBQ and a toilet
  • Requests for the playground to be fenced
  • Discussion about what ages the playground would focus on
  • Requests for shade over the playground and/or seating area
  • Requests for the inclusion of a basketball/netball halfcourt
  • Concerns regarding the cost of the project
  • Concerns regarding increased antisocial behaviour at the reserve leading to increased rubbish and vandalism
  • Mention of closely located playground at Regency Reserve

Next steps

Following on from the engagement results showing a strong support for a playground to be located at this reserve, we are now working with a landscape architect to design a playground suitable for all ages that includes jumping, balancing, spinning and rocking elements. It will be fenced from the adjacent carpark and include seating, a drinking fountain and natural shade. A playground design will be available for sharing in early 2025.

Outdoor gym equipment and sporting infrastructure are outside of the scope of this project. There are basketball halfcourts located at Regency Park and Ferryden Park Reserves and there may be the future opportunity to include outdoor fitness equipment as part of the upgrade of Regency Park Reserve playground.

This playground will be categorised as a local playground and will be designed for use by local residents within walking distance of the reserve for short play visits of approximately 15-30 minutes. We also expect the space to be used by soccer families during practise sessions and game days. For these reasons, we don't anticipate there will be extra demand on parking surrounding the reserve and we won't be considering the addition of a public toilet facility.