
Project update

19 August 2021

Many thanks for those who made contributions to the community consultation regarding the intersection of Tarton Road and Lyons Road.

We received a significant amount of valuable insights and ideas – and we appreciate you taking the time to share your local knowledge.

Following community feedback regarding the proposed construction of the roundabout, the City of Port Adelaide Enfield Council considered a report at the Council meeting held on the 13 July 2021. Council resolved that:

…‘The roundabout at the intersection of Tarton Road and Lyons Road, Holden Hill be installed taking into account the feedback from the community and balancing this versus the road safety benefits.’

It should be noted that the roundabout has been amended slightly based on feedback from local residents including:

  1. A wider painted central median on the eastern approach of Lyons Road to allow easier access into/out of the driveway at this location
  2. An indent parking bay on Tarton Road (western side)

A plan of the roundabout is attached below within the letter to residents.

The roundabout will be installed by the City of Port Adelaide Enfield and their contractors as soon as the necessary arrangements can be made, which is anticipated to be within the next 2-3 months.

Affected property owners and residents have been advised by mail of the outcome.

Again, thank you to those who participated in the consultation process. Please do not hesitate to contact us on 8405 6733 or email, if you have any queries or require further information.