As part of our ongoing commitment to improving road safety and creating a safer roadside environment, Council is proposing to install a roundabout at the intersection of Vine Terrace & Hay Street, Klemzig.

The proposed roundabout will encourage lower and safer travel speeds along Vine Terrace and Hay Street and also deter cut-through traffic on these roads, breaking up 450 metres and 350 metres of continuously straight roadway, respectively.

The roundabout will feature a radial-alignment which aligns motorists’ approach to enter the roundabout towards the centre of the roundabout, rather than at the edges. This encourages motorists to travel at even lower and safer speeds whilst approaching, travelling through and exiting the roundabout. Furthermore, by forcing motorists into the centre of the roundabout, the likelihood that a driver will overtake a cyclist near or within the roundabout will be considerably reduced. These effects make this type of roundabout significantly more bike-friendly.

Consideration will also be given to constructing the proposed roundabout with recycled rubber and recycled plastic materials in order to enhance the sustainability of the device.

A concept design plan of the proposed roundabout is available in the link to the right.

In addition to the above, the proposed roundabout will improve the safety of footpath users crossing the road by providing improved pedestrian crossing facilities at the intersection, such as pedestrian refuges and new accessible kerb ramps. We anticipate these improvements will be greatly beneficial to the local community, particularly enhancing the safety of the roadside environment for students and their guardians who walk to and from Klemzig Primary School, located nearby.

Parking controls within the immediate vicinity of the traffic calming device are required in order for the device to function effectively. There will be a loss of 8 on-street parking spaces nearby the intersection, with a majority of the reduction in on-street parking on Vine Terrace.

We would like to hear your feedback about our proposed local area traffic management project. Feedback is open to the community until Friday 11 September 2020.

You are able to share your thoughts and ideas relating to the project on the board below (after signing up)

Formal feedback can be submitted by filling out the form on the right and clicking ‘submit’ or by downloading and filling-out the feedback form available in the bottom right and submitting it via email or post.

Subject to general support, it is proposed to install the traffic calming device by mid-December 2020.

We would like to hear your ideas

13 August, 2020

ISantillan says:

I love this proposal. It will make a great difference!