What's happening

A new 40km/hr area speed limit was proposed for an area of Klemzig. Thank you for sharing your feedback on what a 40km/hr area speed limit in your neighbourhood means to you.

We have been working with the Town of Walkerville (ToW) to investigate reducing the speed limit to 40km/hr in Vale Park (in WoT) and a neighbouring part of Klemzig (in PAE).

We proposed to:

  • Implement a 40 km/hr speed limit to the local roads in Klemzig bordered by O G Rd, North East Rd, Fife St and Linear Park.
  • Install new traffic signs to indicate the speed zone change throughout the area.
  • Continue to implement the default urban speed limit of 50km/hr in local roads of Klemzig north and/or east of O G Road.

Engagement closed on Tuesday 21 November 2023.

What we asked

We asked Klemzig residents and businesses for their feedback on the proposal to introduce a 40km speed zone in an area of Klemzig bordered by O G Rd, North East Rd, Fife St and linear park.

How we asked

What we heard

Do you support a 40km/hr speed limit in your neighbourhood?

We asked residents if they supported the proposal to implement a 40km/hr speed limit in their neighbourhood. We received 206 feedback forms with the following responses:

Feedback themes from residents who supported the 40km/hr speed limit:

  • Acknowledge there are existing speeding concerns and are supportive of anything that will help this issue.
  • Acknowledge existing cut through traffic concerns and are supportive of anything that will help deter the local streets being used as a shortcut.
  • Would also like physical traffic calming treatments to help slow traffic.
  • Various concerns relating to parking e.g. parking on both sides of the road, increase in housing density etc.
  • Supportive as people feel it will contribute to improved road safety.

Feedback themes from residents who did not support the proposal:

  • Lowering to 40km/hr is unnecessary. 50 km/hr is appropriate.
  • Loss of amenity due to all the signage required.
  • Low compliance with 40km/hr. Those who choose to speed will not slow down for a sign.
  • Concerns with the confusion created with having to keep track of whether it is 40 or 50 km/hr.
  • Feel the money would be better spent on other priorities.
  • Lack of evidence in the form of crash history in particular involving pedestrians.

Next steps

At the Ordinary Council Meeting on 23 January 2024, Council resolved to not proceed with the 40km/hr local area speed limit in Klemzig at this time. A review of traffic data will be undertaken 12 months after the completion of the traffic control devices associated with the Local Area Traffic Management scheme for Klemzig, Windsor Gardens & Holden Hill.

A report will be provided to Council following this 12 month review and include further assessment regarding the feasibility of a 40km/hr local speed limit for Klemzig (west of OG Road).