What's happening

Under Section 223 of the Local Government Act (SA) 1999, City of Port Adelaide has a legislative requirement to consult the public if it proposes to grant an authorisation or permit for works 'that would result in any part of a road being fenced, enclosed or partitioned so as to impede the passage of traffic to a material degree'.

The reasons for temporary closure varies but it is often to enable construction equipment (e.g. a crane) or vehicles (e.g. a cement truck) to use part of the road or footpath to aid construction works occurring on adjoining private land.

Applications are open for a period of 21 business days to enable submissions to be made to Council which will be considered under delegation by the Transport Team as part of the assessment of the application.

Please note works completed by or on behalf of utilities are completed under the relevant utilities legislation and are not required to obtain an authorisation from Council and therefore exempt from Section 223 of the Local Government Act (SA) 1999.

Temporary Road and Footpath Applications

Information relating to applications received by the City of Port Adelaide Enfield to temporarily close roads and footpath can be accessed under the tabs below:

  • Applications open for public consultation
  • Recently closed applications
  • Authorised applications – work now in progress

Open applications

There are currently no Temporary Road and Footpath applications open for feedback.

General enquires about temporary road and footpath closures, can be made by:
Calling: 8405 6600
Emailing: service@cityofpae.sa.gov.au
Visiting Civic Centre: 163 St Vincent Street, Port Adelaide, SA 5015.

Making a formal submission

Create an account or log in to formally make your submission.
The online Feedback Form is located on this page.

*Formal submissions can also be made by in writing to:
The Transport Team
City of Port Adelaide Enfield
PO Box 110
Port Adelaide SA 5015
Or alternatively email consultation@cityofpae.sa.gov.au

*Please note, a formal submission must in include your full name, postal or email address and the name of the application you are providing feedback for.

What happens next?

We will acknowledge your feedback either by email or in writing.

Following completion of the assessment of the application, public notification of the decision will be posted under the ‘recently closed applications' tab.

General enquires about this application can be made by:
Calling: 8405 6600
Emailing: service@cityofpae.sa.gov.au
Visiting Civic Centre: 163 St Vincent Street, Port Adelaide, SA 5015.

Recently closed

Parket Construction and Interiors – Temporary Road Closure, Mt Carmel College, Rosewater

Partek Construction and Interiors have been appointed as the builder for the new Mt Carmel Secondary College Learning Centre at 5 – 9 Mabel Street, Rosewater which is situated on the southern side of Miles Street opposite the existing campus (existing car park).

The approved learning centre is to be constructed above the existing ground level car parking area. This proposed development will maintain an undercroft space which will continue to be used as a car parking area.

To facilitate the construction while maintaining a safe environment for the public, students and workers it is proposed to implement a full closure of Miles Street between John Street and the bend adjacent #16 Miles Street. Miles Street between Newcastle Street and the closure will be accessible to local traffic.

We seek your feedback on this application for a Temporary Road Closure from Partek for:

The partial road closure of Miles Street between Johns Street and the perimeter of Mt Carmel College, from November 2024 to December 2025.

Consultation closed on Friday 30 August 2024.

Authorised applications

There are currently no authorised applications to display.

General enquires about temporary road and footpath closures, can be made by:
Calling: 8405 6600
Emailing: service@cityofpae.sa.gov.au
Visiting Civic Centre: 163 St Vincent Street, Port Adelaide, SA 5015.