About the proposal

We have received a request from the owner of the property at 14 Milton Avenue, Clearview to close part of a public road known as Tennyson Street Clearview, and to amalgamate the land with the adjoining property to extend the front garden and open space area.

Preliminary Plan

The land that is proposed for closure is contained within Certificate of Title Volume 4206 Folio 278 and is described as portion of Allotment (Road) 142 in Deposited Plan 2971 and is labelled ‘A’ on the Preliminary Plan and map shown below.

A copy of the Preliminary Plan and statement of persons affected are available for public inspection at the City of PAE’s Civic Centre located at 163 St Vincent Street Port Adelaide SA 5015 between the hours of 8.30am and 5.00pm, Monday to Friday.

The Preliminary Plan can also be viewed on the SA Government Website.

Sharing your feedback

Your opinion is important to us, and we want to hear what you think about the proposed road closure.

Please provide your feedback to us in writing in one of the following ways:

  • Email your feedback to consultation@cityofpae.sa.gov.au
  • Hand deliver your feedback to the Civic Centre at 163 St Vincent Street, Port Adelaide
  • Post your feedback to the City of PAE at PO Box 110, Port Adelaide SA 5015

Your feedback must be headed ‘Proposed Closure of Part of Tennyson Street, Clearview’ and include full name and address, and will be treated as a public document.

Making an objection

Any person affected by the proposed closure is entitled to object or to apply for an easement to be granted in that person’s favour over the land subject to the proposed closure.

If you wish to make an objection, you must do so in writing to the City of PAE.

Please either post your objection to PO Box 110, Port Adelaide SA 5015 or email it to consultation@cityofpae.sa.gov.au within 28 days of the date of the notice published in the South Australian Government Gazette and forward a copy of the objection or application to the Surveyor-General at GPO Box 1815, Adelaide SA 5001 or DTI.RoadOpeningClosing@sa.gov.au, within the same time period.

Information on how to make an objection or apply for an easement is available in the public notice in the South Australian Government Gazette. See a copy of the notice under the ‘Document Library'.

This engagement closed on Monday 11 December 2023.