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What's happening

We are committed to promoting road safety, improving stormwater infrastructure, and creating safer and more climate resilient streetscapes.

At the March 2023 Council meeting, Council considered a great opportunity to transform Victoria Street, Queenstown into a more vibrant environment that supports Council’s ‘Green Streets’ initiative.

During November and December 2023, we sought feedback from local residents, on proposed streetscape upgrade works to Victoria Street, Queenstown.

Engagement closed on Wednesday 13 December 2023.

This project is jointly funded by the Australian Government Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) programme, City of Port Adelaide Enfield and Green Adelaide.

The proposal

We proposed to improve the amenity of the local area and provide a boulevard along the full length of Victoria Street from Portland Road to Old Port Road.

Key features of the streetscape upgrade include:

What we asked

We asked residents if they supported the proposed streetscape upgrades works proposed for Victoria Street, Queenstown and to share any further feedback or comments about the project.

How we asked

What we heard

Do you support the proposed streetscape upgrades?

We received 30 survey responses with two residents completing the survey twice. These repeat responses have been removed from the final tally.

Key comments and concerns received

There were a number of reoccurring themes received through survey responses, including:

  • Concerns about narrowing of Victoria Street and how this might affect travel along the street and access to driveways
  • Support for improvements to stormwater drainage, kerbing and lighting
  • Concerns about loss of parking, especially around unit blocks and townhouses
  • Requests for slight adjustments to location of proposed raingardens / WSUD nodes
  • Support for increased greening (trees and vegetation)
  • Concerns about trees in front of individual houses and/or conditions of current trees
  • Concerns about the cost of the project

Changes we are making following community feedback

To address the feedback that we received we have incorporated the following changes to our plan:

  • Reduced the number of raingardens (WSUD) and protuberance to maximise on-street car parking. Parking spaces will only be reduced by 15 spaces across the length of the street (we have returned parking where the loss was raised as an issue where possible).
  • Addressed flooding and ponding issues along the street and footpaths where possible.
  • Assessed several street trees that needed further inspection and made adjustment to our street tree planting plan, which aims to retain most trees. More information related to tree species selection is in the FAQ’s below.
  • Improved street lighting by upgrading streetlights to LEDs. This will improve visibility on the street at night and be more energy efficient.

Please see the updated concept plan, which we will now progress to detailed design.

Updated Victoria Street Consultation Plan

Next steps

We are currently working towards finalising the design for the streetscape upgrades. We will provide further details to residents closer to the time of commencement.

This project is jointly funded by the Australian Government Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) programme, City of Port Adelaide Enfield and Green Adelaide.
City of Port Adelaide Enfield logo
Green Adelaide Logo


Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:

Phone 08 8405 6600
Community Engagement

Our Community Engagement Policy

Note name and address are required to comply with Council’s Public Consultation Policy. All submissions will be treated as public documents upon receipt.

Closing the loop, we will make efforts to 'close-the-loop' with project contributors and followers. We may occasionally send information to acknowledge a contribution, provide key updates on engagement and project processes and outcomes.