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Annual Business Plan 2023-24 Engagement

What we asked

We encouraged interested community members to read the Draft Annual Business Plan 2023-24 and tell us if they agreed with the draft plan and which major projects were most important to them.

How we asked

During the consultation period we encouraged our community to read the Draft ABP 2023-24 and provide feedback on Participate PAE, via email or by attending the 9 May 2023 Council meeting.

The draft Annual Business Plan was downloaded 243 times while the slideshow summary of the plan was accessed by 39 users over the consultation period.

Nine social media posts supported greater reach and awareness of the engagement and 2,917 email subscriber notifications were sent to Participate PAE members.

What we heard

We received a total of 19 submissions on Participate PAE and 12 provided feedback on level of agreement with the priorities of the proposed 2023-24 plan. Of those 12, half (50%) agree with the draft priorities and 42% disagree.

Level of agreement with the draft priorities for 2023-24

Pie graph showing level of agreement with draft priorities

Major project prioritisation

Of the 19 submissions, 16 provided their ranking of which ABP major projects were most to least important to them. There were 10 major projects participants could rank in order of priority.

The highest ranking of top four priority responses was for LED Street Lighting (78.6%) followed by Improve Waste Management Program (73.3%) and Heritage Conservation Management Plans Development.

There were no bottom 3 responses for Improve Waste Management Program and Inclusive Sports Facilities Program. This complements feedback we have been receiving from the community that waste management continues to be an ongoing priority.

More than half of the responses for Yitpi Yartapuultiku, Eastern precinct social infrastructure and Net-zero emissions plan implementation selected these projects in their top 4 priorities.

Written Feedback

We received 19 written responses, 16 via individual responses on Participate PAE, one from the Shaping Inclusion members group discussion and two via email. Most were detailed and demonstrated that respondents had read the draft plan.

Of these, three respondents commented explicitly on the rate increase, preferring to see reduced expenditure to keep rates as low as possible. A further respondent felt that too much money was allocated to projects that benefit a minority and a further two respondents enquired about employee costs.

Climate change and emissions reductions were raised by three respondents, with two supportive of reducing emissions and addressing climate change and the third not supportive of any investment in climate change. The LED lighting project was eithersupported, or respondents were not clear why Council would replace existing streetlights that are still functional.

Local issues continue to be a focus for residents. For example, two respondents raised specific concerns about the Semaphore Foreshore Masterplan and a further respondent thought more could be done to activate Semaphore Road. While on the other side of the city a respondent drew attention to the state of TK Shutter Reserve.

What we asked: Draft Annual Business Plan Survey


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Note name and address are required to comply with Council’s Public Consultation Policy. All submissions will be treated as public documents upon receipt.

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