What's happening
In March 2021 we wrote to all residents and business owners in the study area seeking feedback on traffic-related issues in your street and across the suburb. We received over 400 feedback submissions in reply for the 5086 LATM Project. Members of the community told us about their observations on speeding, traffic volume, parking and other relevant matters.
First, we reviewed everyone’s feedback along with the technical data (including traffic counts and crash history). We formed a working group of residents from the local area to develop the 5086 LATM scheme.
Council at its April 2022 meeting endorsed the draft 5086 LATM scheme. A copy of this report can be found in the documents library.
We re-engaged with our community during June and July 2022, seeking feedback on the ‘draft scheme’. We wrote to all residents and business owners in the study area and received 358 hard copy and online feedback submissions.
Council endorsed the final 5086 LATM scheme at their meeting 9 August 2022. Click below for a link to the full Council Report, with the 5086 LATM Scheme starting from page 296. The Council Minutes, including the final resolutions, can be found under the document library.
You can find the engagement summary results, endorsed LATM schemes and project next steps, under each of the suburbs below.
Gilles Plains
Council decisions and next steps
The 5086 LATM scheme was endorsed at the August 2022 Council meeting.
Further engagement occurred on the proposed area wide 40km/hr speed limit throughout Hampstead Gardens and Manningham during April and May 2023. At the Council Meeting on 13 June 2023, Council decided to postpone this decision until the 5086 Local Area Traffic Plan implementation of physical treatments, such as raised intersections, had progressed further in these suburbs.
All traffic treatments have now been completed and we are now awaiting a 12 month post implementation review which will be conducted in early 2025. At this time the 40km/hr area wide speed zone for Hampstead Gardens and Manningham will also be considered.
Contact Us
Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:
Phone | 08 8405 6600 |
consultation@cityofpae.sa.gov.au | |
Website | www.cityofpae.sa.gov.au |
Community Engagement
Our Community Engagement Policy
Note name and address are required to comply with Council’s Public Consultation Policy. All submissions will be treated as public documents upon receipt.
Closing the loop, we will make efforts to 'close-the-loop' with project contributors and followers. We may occasionally send information to acknowledge a contribution, provide key updates on engagement and project processes and outcomes.