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Our City Vision and Annual Business Plan are closely aligned and work together to provide direction on our integrated goals and priorities and how we will implement them.

The City Vision is our highest-level strategy – it sets out what we want to become over the next ten years. The Annual Business Plan 2024-25 is more operational – it outlines our key activities to deliver on the goals of the City Vision over a one-year timeframe from July 2024 to June 2025.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the draft City Vision and draft Annual Business Plan 2024-25, find out what we heard in the engagement summary.

Our City Vision: How we see PAE in the future

Our goals: What success looks like as we deliver on our Vision

Our Objectives: What we will do to accomplish each Goal


  • Thriving Community

    A City where people have the opportunity to connect and flourish

    • We promote community capacity, connection and participation in civic life
    • We encourage cultural expression and recognise people’s history, stories and connection to place
    • We support and encourage people to live healthy and active lives


  • Prosperous Economy

    A City with a thriving economy that enriches its local community

    • We participate in the economy with the community in mind
    • We support local businesses, big and small, to grow, innovate and succeed
    • We invest in our local economy to benefit current and future generations

Clean and Green

  • Clean and Green City

    A City that values its natural environment

    • We reduce the City’s adverse environmental impact and participate in a circular economy
    • We shape the City to tackle the challenges of a changing climate
    • We protect and enhance the City’s natural environment

Places for People

  • Places for People

    An accessible City
    where people love to be

    • We walk together on Kaurna country
    • We shape the City to be attractive and liveable and care for our cultural and built heritage
    • We bring places to life through community events, culture, design and the arts


Enablers support our organisational capability, ensuring

  • Our diverse workforce is resourced to deliver meaningful outcomes
  • Our systems, processes and tools are contemporary and reflect leading practice
  • Our assets and finances are managed with good stewardship

What we asked

We asked our community to provide their feedback on our draft City Vision and Annual Business Plan 2024-25. We provided a variety of ways for our community to provide their feedback including:

  • A short 5 minute online survey asking for level of satisfaction with both plans
  • A medium 10 minute survey that allowed respondents to provide further detail on both plans, goals and objectives
  • The opportunity to provide a detailed written submission or present at the May 2024 Council Meeting.

How we asked

Community consultation on the draft City Vision and Annual Business Plan was open between 15 April and 14 May 2024. Our community was informed about the opportunity to provide their feedback via:

What we heard

During the engagement period, a total of 20 responses were received via Participate PAE and one submission was received via email. As required under legislation a Public Meeting was held on 14 May 2024 to enable the community to provide comment on the Annual Business Plan, one person spoke at the Public Meeting.

A majority of Participate PAE survey respondents (13 or 65%) were Satisfied or Very Satisfied with the Draft City Vision and Goals. Similarly, a majority of survey respondents (11 or 55%) were Satisfied or Very Satisfied with the Draft Annual Business Plan.

Level of satisfaction with the Draft City Vision and Goals

Of those that were Satisfied or Very satisfied, feedback included:

  • The Vision and Goals were generally seen as appropriate, comprehensive and/or forward-thinking
  • Several comments were in support of projects within the Annual Business Plan

Of those that were Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied, feedback indicated a ‘wait and see’ approach, i.e. that their level of satisfaction will be dependent on how Council interprets the Vision into action over time.

Of those that were Dissatisfied or Very Dissatisfied, feedback included:

  • A desire for additional focus on safety and addressing undesirable public realm behaviour
  • A feeling that there was no real opportunity to provide feedback
  • One respondent selected ‘Very Dissatisfied’ however their comment was in support of a planned project within the Annual Business Plan.

Level of satisfaction with the Draft Annual Business Plan

Of those that were Satisfied or Very satisfied, feedback included:

  • Several comments in support of the project to upgrade lighting at TK Shutter Reserve
  • Support for lighting at Branson Avenue Reserve
  • A request for a ‘library of tools’ that people could borrow for house maintenance or gardening and a request for more Kaurna related signage in council parks.

Of those that were Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied, feedback included:

  • A desire for more detail about how the budget is “divided up”
  • Calls for increased planting
  • A request for increased traffic calming and stormwater works.

Of those that were Dissatisfied or Very Dissatisfied, feedback included:

  • Several comments in support of increased focus on cooling and/or greening the environment
  • A desire for additional focus on safety and addressing undesirable behaviour
  • A request for more public toilets
  • A desire for activity to be displayed by Council ward
  • One respondent selected ‘Very Dissatisfied’ however their comment was in support of the lighting upgrade proposed at TK Shutter Reserve.

Next steps

The report on community consultation was brought to the Council meeting on 11 June 2024. The majority of feedback received aligns to the Goals and Objectives within the City Vision and/or services and facilities currently delivered by Council. There were no changes proposed to the City Vision 2024-34 and confirms Council’s Vision is aligned to community need.

At the Meeting on 11 June, Council considered the submission made at the May public meeting which requested Council undertake a feasibility study into the possible future construction of a tidal pool in the Port River. Council resolved to amend the Annual Business Plan 2024-25 to include a provision to undertake a feasibility study.

The City Vision 2024-34 and Annual Business Plan 2024-25 were endorsed by Council at the Special Council Meeting held on 25 June 2024.

Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:

Phone - 08 8405 6600

Email -

Website -

Community Engagement

Our Community Engagement Policy

Note name and address are required to comply with Council’s Public Consultation Policy. All submissions will be treated as public documents upon receipt.

Closing the loop, we will make efforts to 'close-the-loop' with project contributors and followers. We may occasionally send information to acknowledge a contribution, provide key updates on engagement and project processes and outcomes.

Acknowledgement of Country

The City of Port Adelaide Enfield would like to acknowledge that these projects and engagements are taking place on the traditional lands of the Kaurna people. We pay respect to elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge the continued relationship that Aboriginal people have with Country, culture and beliefs. We further acknowledge the important contributions that Aboriginal people continue to play within our shared community.