What's happening

Ready to improve your sustainability game? These sessions are for you!

This climate change series aims to support you in getting yourself and your home more environmentally-friendly. Listen to professionals in a range of different fields, have the opportunity to ask questions and learn about all things eco from electric vehicles, solar PV, energy efficiency to water sensitive urban design in your home and backyard. Let's start your sustainability journey!

We are running 8 different sessions from February to June of 2023, all held on Wednesdays from 5:30-6:30pm at The Parks Library.

  • Reading Our Utility Bills - Wed 8 February

    Understanding how to read your energy, gas and water bills can lead to hundreds of dollars a year in savings!
  • Energy & Water Efficiency in Your Home - Wed 22 February

    Want to know exactly how energy and water is being consumed in your home? Get practical money saving tips!
  • Electrify Your Home - Wed 12 April

    Join Heather Merran from ConnectEd who will be talking about solar panels, home batteries and everyday appliances.
  • Getting off the Gas - Wed 26 April

    Many home owners and businesses are switching from gas heating and cooking to all electric to minimise emissions, save money and reduce health impacts.
  • Climate Ready Homes - Wed 17 May

    To prepare for climate change extremes come along to this thought provoking session focusing on practical actions you can take to become more resilient.
  • Designing a Sustainable Home - Wed 22 March

    Have you dreamed of designing and owning your very own sustainable home that reduces operating costs, enhances liveability and helps the environment?
  • Demystifying Electric Vehicles - Wed 7 June

    Join Australian Electric Vehicle Association (AEVA) chair, independent consultant and expert, Sally Knight, as she talks about everything electric vehicles.
  • Water Sensitive Urban Design in Your Home and Backyard - Wed 28 June

    Are you looking for ways to sustain your garden and cool your backyard with the rainwater that falls on your property?