Your ideas matter

Do you have an idea for your local area that you've been wanting to talk to us about? Have you thought of a way to improve something in PAE?

Starting this May and extending throughout the year, Community Conversations is your opportunity to chat to an Elected Member or City of PAE staff member at local community engagement sessions across the City.

Stop in at a time that works for you and share your thoughts with us about an idea that you think would improve your local community.

More session locations, dates and times for our Community Conversations across the year. If you’re not able to attend a drop-in session you can submit your idea or concern using the online form below.

If you'd like to keep up to date on new dates and times for Community Conversations, make sure to login to Participate PAE then click/tap the follow button at the top of this page.

Community Conversations is about hearing your new ideas so we can take a closer look and investigate whether it is happening already, could be further investigated or add to our knowledge or should be referred elsewhere. This is similar to our Student Ideas Pitch where we've already received 100 ideas from schools!

Reviewing the ideas thoroughly will take more time than a direct Customer Request. If you have a request, issue or concern to report that needs a more immediate response or for day-to-day issues like footpath repairs, tree pruning requests, illegal dumping and potholes etc, the best way to ensure a prompt response is to contact us to directly submit a Customer Request you can call us on 8405 6600 or log an online Customer Request.

Tell us your ideas

What happens next?

Contributions made through the Community Conversations process will be collated, sorted and categorised. A regular internal staff review process will occur to identify which ideas, issues and concerns:

  • Are already being actioned
  • Could be further investigated
  • Can add to our knowledgebase
  • Are outside of scope or can be referred to another process or organisation

Following the review process, a summary of Community Conversation contributions will be reported to Council and relevant suggestions and ideas will be fed into ongoing planning processes such as the Annual Business Plan.

Outcomes will be reported to contributors and on this page. Login and follow this page to receive email updates.

Ask a question or upload a file

Other ways to get involved

You can provide your ideas for improvement to us in one of the following ways:

  • Coming along to one of our Community Conversations sessions to speak to a staff member or an Elected Member
  • Email your community idea to
  • Hand deliver your community idea to the Civic Centre at 163 St Vincent Street, Port Adelaide or one of our libraries