
Dogs on Beaches Community Working Group - Workshop 1

17 April 2023

Dogs on Beaches Community Working Group - Workshop 1

The first Dogs on Beaches Community Working Group session was held on Sunday 1 April. Over the three hour workshop, community working group members:

  • Spent time getting to know each other including, discussing their reasons for joining the working group and sharing their common values and motivators.
  • Received an overview of the process they will be undertaking together.
  • Reflected on the current rules and regulations and previous decisions made.
  • Shared and considered a variety of perspectives regarding dogs on beaches and foreshore reserves and used this information to begin shaping their group priorities.
  • Prepared for workshop 2, including identifying any information and research they would like available for the next session.

See and hear from independent facilitator Becky Hirst about how the first workshop went.

What happens next?

From April to October 2023, the group will work with the independent facilitator to consider different views, options for rules, broader community feedback and reach a consensus on preferred option(s) to be recommended to Council (see the engagement plan).

Visit the Dogs on Beaches page for more information about the project and follow the project to receive email updates.