Early engagement, February-March 2022
The early engagement was undertaken with key stakeholders, sporting clubs, residents, and local community to continue to understand the site and what people value to inform the design outcomes.
The early engagement aimed to reach out to all users of the site, with a social media campaign, posters on site and information was uploaded to the Have Your Say PAE page. The engagement opened at the start of February 2022 and closed on the 18 March 2022.
The engagement process was extended to allow for two on-site 'pop-up' engagements at EP Nazer Reserve, to meet residents and casual users. These engagements were attended by PAE staff and up to 22 residents over the two sessions. Community Member's local knowledge and understanding of the site is invaluable to informing the design outcomes.
The early engagement process was successful, and many responses were received. A summary of the Have Your Say PAE responses is as follows:
- 91 Responses were received from the online survey.
- 54% of the visitors to the site, came from social media links and 33% of participants were first time visitors to the Have Your Say page.
- Of the 91 responses, 60% of participants were nearby residents and 29% were sport users (visitors).
- 39% use the site for sport, 18% use the site as a casual user and 20% use the site for exercise.
Respondents (online) would like to see the following improved at the Reserves:
- Places to play for families (50%)
- Opportunities to exercise (45%)
- Better lighting (45%)
- Smooth and accessible paths (30%)
- Improved Courts (37%)
- Flexible community event spaces (33%)
From the on-site engagement with residents, there were many similar key themes of what the users wanted. It should be noted that many of the people who attended the on-site meetings had already completed an online survey.
A summary of the on-site meetings and what locals want to see for the future of the Reserves is as follows:
- Biodiversity, including trees, shrubs and wildlife (59%)
- Shelter/Seating (55%)
- Paths (32%)
- BBQ (23%)
- Community facility (18%)
- Bins/dog bag dispensers (18%)
- Playground (14%)
- Exercise stations (14%)
- Tennis court upgrade (9%)
The next stage of the project is to consult on the draft Master Plan. All key stakeholders, sporting clubs, residents, and local community members, including Elected Members, will have the opportunity to comment on the Draft Concept Design.