The Final Master Plan for EP Nazer and John Hart Reserves
EP Nazer and John Hart Reserves are much loved by locals and visitors for many sporting activities, casual recreation and play.
In early 2022, we engaged with our community and sporting clubs to better understand what you value about the reserves now, and to hear ideas for their future. The input gathered was used to create a draft Master Plan, which we released for consultation during June and July 2022. You can view the early engagement findings and draft Master Plan engagement summary by following the relevant links.
We considered the various feedback we received from the community and sporting clubs, as we developed the Final Master Plan for EP Nazer and John Hart Reserves. A Report was presented to Council at the 10 September 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting asking for endorsement of the Final Master Plan and detailing the project staging and priorities to deliver the Master Plan outcomes. You can view the Final Master Plan below.
Council have committed to focusing on the below works across the two reserves in the current 24/25 financial year:
- Refurbishment of the existing public toilet building at EP Nazer Reserve
- Minor upgrade works to the Port Adelaide Baseball Club facilities (funded by grant funding secured by baseball club)
- Minor upgrade works to the old Croydon Kings clubrooms
- Demolition of the old Port Adelaide Football Club building on EP Nazer Reserve and reinstatement of turf
- Upgrade of the playground at Waite Street Reserve
The delivery of the Master Plan outcomes will be ongoing and considered as part of Councils annual business plan and budget process and future planning.
View the Final Master Plan
EP Nazer and John Hart Final Master Plan

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Phone | 08 8405 6600 |
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Community Engagement
Our Community Engagement Policy
Note name and address are required to comply with Council’s Public Consultation Policy. All submissions will be treated as public documents upon receipt.
Closing the loop, we will make efforts to 'close-the-loop' with project contributors and followers. We may occasionally send information to acknowledge a contribution, provide key updates on engagement and project processes and outcomes.