What we asked

We asked for participants from the 2022 and 2023 Get Shady Tree Give Away Project, to share their feedback on their satisfaction with the project, the health and location of their tree, and any ideas they had for future initiatives to increase tree canopy on private property across PAE.

How we asked

We sent emails and/or made phone calls, all community members who had registered for the Get Shady Project in 2022 and 2023.

What we heard

The survey results indicate a positive response and outcome for the Get Shady tree giveaway project. The direct benefits of providing appropriate, native, advanced canopy trees to be planted in private property is a worthy investment to accelerate our urban greening and reach our tree canopy cover target.

Reasons for not purchasing a tree (if the program was not offered):

  • Opportunity of receiving a free tree was too good to miss out on (9 people)
  • Cost of purchasing a mature tree (7 people)
  • Support offered through program (4 people)
  • Free opportunity to increase shade at property (3 people)
  • Fear of vandalism (1 person)

Other ideas to encourage planting of trees on private property:

A follow up question was asked about what other incentives would encourage the planting of trees in private property? The responses were varied and insightful and included themes around:

  • More tree giveaways (27%)
  • Increased promotion of Get Shady project (16%)
  • Education - gardening, sustainability (16%)
  • Smaller plant varieties on offer (13%)
  • Support initiatives (11%)
  • Local tree species giveaways (8%)
  • Offsetting council rates (8%)
  • Verge greening (5%)

Any other Get Shady feedback

The final question of the survey was an open form opportunity for respondents to share any other feedback. Almost half (44%) took the opportunity to comment with responses showing a high support for the program (41%), messages of thank you and appreciation (28%), and of having experienced and knowledgeable staff (10%). Further themes around verge greening, promotion and protecting existing trees were also included in the comments.

Next steps

  • Review of the Get Shady Project against indicators of success and implement any improvements for the 3rd round in 2024.
  • Review of overall Urban Greening Program and recommendations for future greening in private land incentive programs.