Project update

Thank you for your contributions to the McKay Avenue, Holden Hill, Bus Only Treatment engagement in March 2023.

At the 11 April 2023 meeting Council endorsed a 12-month trial to open the existing Bus Only Treatment to general traffic between the hours of 7pm to 7am and retain the bus only access at all other times.

A 12-month review of the Bus Only Treatment reduction of hours to 7am to 7pm, was undertaken to determine the effectiveness of this change and a Report was presented to Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting on the 13 August, recommending retaining the current arrangements. Council endorsed this recommendation, and the Bus Only Treatment will now be retained in its current format indefinitely.

All traffic will be permitted to travel through the McKay Avenue treatment between the hours of 7pm to 7am on any day of the week. This provides greater flexibility to residents within the local area, while still protecting to the local road network during the peak traffic, school hours and weekend periods where the ingress of cut through traffic would lead to a dramatic increase in traffic volumes.

For full details of the assessment completed and the Council Decisions, please view the Document Library.

Engagement summary

What we heard

What's happening

Project background

The bus only treatment along with other strategic road closures have been in place since 1983 to prevent the Windsor Gardens local road network being used as a shortcut for non-local traffic avoiding congestion on North East Road and Sudholz Road. The road closures have been successful in significantly reducing traffic volumes and crashes in the network.