What's happening?

The existing public toilet is situated on the foreshore next to the jetty and is a highly used but ageing facility. In line with our Public Toilet Plan to provide accessible, safe, convenient and hygienic toilets, we have prioritised this toilet for replacement this financial year.

The replacement toilet will have a contemporary appearance and will comply with current accessibility standards. The Changing Places facility will provide a fully accessible public toilet with change table and hoist for people with severe or profound disability, to help make Largs Bay an accessible and inclusive destination for all people. The design incorporates crime prevention principles and protection of the Norfolk Pines surrounding the existing toilet.


Construction of the new public toilet building began in early 2024 with the existing public toilets, lawn area and car parks adjacent the public amenities building excluded from public use from February to late August 2024. View a map of the construction exclusion zone.

A temporary public amenity facility will be located on the northern side of the exclusion zone from February to late June 2024. The exact location for this facility is yet to be confirmed.

Construction delay update May 8, 2024

The new public toilet building will consist of:

Largs Bay Pubic Toilets Final Layout

What we asked you

Between the 8 August and 5 September, we asked you to provide your feedback on two proposed design options for the new toilet block and provide your overall feedback on the facility layout and included amenities.

There were several opportunities for the community to provide feedback, including:

  • An online survey on Have Your Say PAE
  • Letter and hard copy survey sent to 70 properties in close proximity to the facility along the Largs foreshore
  • Letter promoting the engagement to residents within a 300m radius of the toilet facility
  • On site signage promoting the engagement
  • On site community engagement pop-up held on 27 August

What we heard

  • Unisex

    44 submissions (37%) requested female only toilets. Of these, 26 raised concerns about safety and privacy and 15 raised concerns with hygiene.

    We have taken this feedback onboard, and will now provide 2 x female cubicles, 2 x male cubicles and 4 x all gender cubicles. We are also reviewing the design to address some of the concerns raised surrounding safety and privacy.

  • Murals

    14 submissions mentioned the existing art murals. 11 of these sumbissions would like to see the murals preserved or included in the new design.

    We are working with the artists and landscape architects to incorporate the murals into the new design. The final design will incorporate a reproduction of both mosaics in greyscale at the entrance to the facilities, facing the waterside. See more details under our FAQs.

  • Changing Places

    7 submissions mentioned the Changing Places facility with 100% positive feedback.