With the revitalisation of the Port Centre and surrounds well underway with projects such as the Wonderwalls festival, State Government Building, Quest Hotel, and the Redevelopment of Dock One and Fletchers Slip, there is a significant opportunity to transform McLaren Parade into a green, pedestrian oriented road environment that supports the urban uplift occurring in the area.
McLaren Parade sits just one block from the Port River in the heart of Port Adelaide. A number of studies and masterplans have identified it as an important East-West connector that crosses important pedestrian linkages and bike oriented streets including Lipson Street for pedestrian movement and the Inner and Outer Harbor Greenway cycling routes. The upgrade of McLaren Parade will also improve the amenity of the local area and provide a premium boulevard and public space that connects the State Heritage tourist precinct to the wharf waterfront and Port River.
McLaren Parade Streetscape Project
Key features of the upgrade include:
Shared space
Conversion into a one-way street with the removal of kerbing to create an at grade street to encourage a “low-speed environment” that prioritises pedestrians and cyclists.
streetscape greening and canopy coverage to improve comfort with
shading, reduced hardscape and wind protection
Public Art
Opportunity to include public art representative of the area
Street furniture
To provide public spaces that encourages people to gather
The McLaren Parade streetscape project links to other projects in the area which have a particular focus on high quality public realm in and around the riverfront, and which aim to encourage visitors and residents alike to use and enjoy the streets and wharves of Port Adelaide.
has been allocated towards the project for this financial year 2020-2021. We were successful as part of the ‘Open Spaces and Places’ Grant Programme (State Government funding) for the McLaren Parade Streetscape upgrade with a contribution of up to $600,000 on the provision that we co-contribute a minimum of $600,000 towards the project. The total estimated cost for this project is $1.85 million.