What's happening

At PAE, we are committed to improving road safety and creating a safer roadside environment. This includes working proactively with the community through our Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) program to understand and resolve local traffic issues.

As part of the Northfield LATM, we have collected and reviewed traffic data indicating that:

  • Each day, more than 1,000 vehicles drive along Stirling Street, which is a collector road for Northfield
  • Traffic data collected on Stirling Street shows an 85th percentile speed of 56km/hr – This is the speed that 85% of traffic is travelling at or below. Typically, this should be at or below the applicable speed limit. This demonstrates that it is more than just hoon driving activity within the street with everyday motorists also frequently exceeding the speed limit. An 85th percentile speed of 56 km/hr is above acceptable limits for a local road

We have therefore identified that a traffic calming treatment is appropriate for Stirling Street

The proposal

We proposed to install road humps along Stirling Street due to the traffic speeds and volumes. Road humps are an effective traffic calming measure, as vehicles need to slow down to travel over them.

Thank you for sharing your feedback on the proposal. Engagement closed on the 7 November 2023.

What we asked

We asked residents how they normally travel along Stirling St, if they thought speed was currently an issue on Stirling St and what they thought about the proposal to install road humps on Stirling St.

How we asked

What we heard

How do you travel along Stirling St?

Do you think speeding is an issue on Stirling St?

What do you think about the proposal to install road humps on Stirling St?

Reoccurring comments:

  • Support for and against the proposed speed humps
  • Written response from Enfield SASES
  • Other suggested traffic calming measures such as a reduced speed limit

Next steps

At the Ordinary Council Meeting on 12 December 2023, Council received and noted the Report titled "Gepps Cross, Northfield (North), Walkley Heights & Valley View – Local Area Traffic Management Scheme – Community Feedback" and endorsed progression with the Stirling Street, Northfield - Road Humps.

We will communicate the upcoming works and expected timelines with affected residents in 2024.