What's happening

The Greek Orthodox Community of South Australia Incorporated has approached Council Administration requesting that Council close a portion of Leadenhall Street between Church Street and Gouger Crescent, Port Adelaide as part of the Church’s proposed development of a cultural/community centre as shown below in figure 1 (highlighted in blue).

Associated with the road closure, the Church has also suggested that a portion of Church Street be made available for it to use as car parking shown below in figure 1 (highlighted in yellow). The yellow portion of land shown in Figure 1 has an electrical transformer box and high voltage electrical services that makes the sale of this portion of land not tenable. Administration will therefore enter into the appropriate agreement for a market return for the use of this land. If the sale of the closed road land is approved, the Church would need to pay the purchase price of the land (i.e. closed portion of road) and an annual fee for the use of part of Church Street (i.e. that highlighted in yellow). Both these items would be the subject of a valuation report being undertaken by an independent valuer engaged by Council at the cost of the Church.

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