What's happening

During November and December 2024, we sought feedback from local businesses, community members and government and industry stakeholders on our draft Prosperous Economy Strategy (PES) and Economic Development Plan (EDP) 2025-29, which we developed following Council’s endorsement of our new City Vision.

The City Vision 2024–34 outlines our goals and objectives for the next decade. It represents our commitment to building a welcoming, liveable city, made by its people. The PES and EDP are a vital part of this long-term vision. Together, they will guide PAE’s role for the next four years, driving our aspiration to be a city with a thriving economy that enriches its local community.

Our EDP has been informed by our economic research and input from our local business community. It aligns with national, state, and regional efforts, helping us work with various partners and stakeholders. As the economy changes, our plan is flexible to take advantage of new opportunities and reduce risks.

Thank you for providing feedback on the draft PES and EDP. Following community engagement findings, minor changes were made to the final PES and EDP that was endorsed by Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on Tuesday 28 January 2025. You can find out what we heard from our community under the Engagement Summary and view the final document by clicking the button below.

Engagement Summary

What we asked

Community consultation on the Draft PES and EDP commenced on 14 November 2024 and concluded on 15 December 2024. We asked our community, local businesses and industry stakeholders to:

  • Provide feedback on our Commitments listed under each of the 13 Strategic Statements (optional);
  • Share their level of agreement as to whether they thought the draft PES and EDP addresses opportunities and challenges relevant to the PAE economy; and
  • Share their level of agreement as to whether they thought the draft PES and EDP will enable us to achieve our Prosperous Economy goal.

How we asked

What we heard

The overwhelming majority of respondents were supportive of the Draft PES and EDP agreeing with the following statements:

The Draft PES and EDP addresses opportunities and challenges relevant to the PAE economy:

  • Agree – 55%
  • Strongly agree – 44%

The Draft PES and EDP will enable us to achieve our Prosperous Economy goal:

  • Neutral – 11%
  • Agree – 55%
  • Strongly agree – 33%

A full summary of the comments provided during community engagement can be viewed as part of the Council Report available within the 28 January Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda.

Next steps

Based on the feedback received during community engagement, the following minor changes have been made within the Prosperous Economy Strategy and Economic Development Plan 2025-2029

  • Under Strategic Statement 3.1, the third commitment has been amended to reflect the latest status of the Greater Adelaide Regional Plan (GARP) which is now finalized, and the forward focus of Council on planning for future growth:
    • ‘Advocate and partner on delivery of the Greater Adelaide Regional Plan (GARP) including development of Local Growth Management Plans.’
  • Under Strategic Statement 3.1, the fifth commitment has been amended to include a specific reference to councils. This is to emphasize the City of PAE’s commitment to working with other councils on regional collaborations that deliver towards the Prosperous Economy Strategy and Economic Development Plan 2025-2029.
    • ‘Partner and collaborate with new regional partners, including councils, in nearby major centres of commerce’.

Other minor design and formatting changes have also been made to the final document to enhance its clarity and presentation. A significant proportion of comments received during engagement related to the detailed implementation of commitments in the Draft PES and EDP and will be considered at that stage of delivery.