What's happening

Semaphore Road is a bustling, popular main street filled with an array of shops, restaurants, cafes, and experiences for everyone. This family-friendly beachside destination attracts locals and visitors from across Adelaide, making it a must-visit location.

The western end of Semaphore Road, from the beach to Military Road has a speed limit of 40 kilometres per hour (km/hr). The eastern end, from Military Road was 50km/hr.

The Semaphore Main Street Association approached us to review and consider creating a consistent, lower speed limit across the Semaphore Road shopping precinct from the beach to Swan Terrace (see the map of the impacted segment below).

Consistent, lower speed limits in shopping precincts helps to improve safety for people walking, cycling and driving and adds to the vibrancy of busy shopping and dining areas.

The 40km/hr speed zone extension on Semaphore Road between Military Road and Swan Terrace, will be in effect from Wednesday 14 August 2024. We value your input and thank you for your feedback on this proposal. Please see the engagement summary below.

Map of Semaphore Rd 40km/hr extension

What we asked

We asked Semaphore residents, businesses and visitors, if they supported the proposal to extend the existing 40km/hr speed zone on Semaphore Road, from Military Road to Swan Terrace.

How we asked

What we heard

Do you support extending the Semaphore Road 40km/hr speed area?

How do you travel along Semaphore Road? (select all that are relevant)

Next steps

At the Ordinary Council Meeting on 13 June 2023, Council endorsed the decision to proceed with the Semaphore Road 40km/hr speed area extension.

A formal submission was submitted with the Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT) to progress with the extension of the existing 40km/hr speed zone (and associated infrastructure) on Semaphore Road (between Military Road and Swan Terrace). This has been approved by DIT and the 40km/hr speed zone will be in effect from Wednesday 14 August 2024.