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The Final Master Plan

The design is now complete and ready to progress to the next stage.

Thank you very much for sharing your feedback on the revised Draft Master Plan for Semaphore Foreshore during April and May 2024. The revised Plan was developed from all of the feedback we received on the first draft and addressed a number of the concerns highlighted by our community, as well as retaining what our community told us they loved.

A Report was presented to Council at the 10 September 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting sharing what we heard from our community and asking for endorsement of the Final Master Plan to progress to detailed design. The Final Master Plan considered all of the feedback we heard from our community, incorporating changes where possible.

The Engagement Summary is available via the tabs below along with the Final Master Plan and project next steps.

View the Final Master Plan


Overview - Final Master Plan

​How we incorporated your feedback into the final design

Following feedback we received during community engagement, we worked with our design team to refine and finalise the Master Plan for Semaphore Foreshore which includes the below adjustments:

  • The inclusion of additional trees, where possible (increase from 23 to 45 additional trees)
  • Suggested planting palette and tree selection (view full Master Plan)
  • Clarification of the locations of seating, shelters and BBQ provisions
  • More seating included throughout the site, including accessible seating.
  • Further consideration of additional lighting options throughout the site
  • Development of the Train Hub area, moving the station away from the road and increasing visibility. This location allows for the continuation of the foreshore shared pathway while also improving safety and movement along the Esplanade footpath, reducing visual impact for foreshore residents and allowing the creation of a new home for the historic steam train.

Next steps

The Draft Master Plan was presented to Council at the 10 September 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting along with the full community engagement findings (view the Council Meeting Agenda). At the Council Meeting, Council endorsed the Final Master Plan for Semaphore Foreshore. We will now proceed with Detailed Design for the foreshore upgrades and explore external funding opportunities to support construction of the Master Plan which is currently scheduled to begin from 2026 subject to Councils annual business plan and budget processes.

The exact design for elements within the Master Plan such as the Activity Hub, Water Play and Kaurna Storytelling and upgraded playground, have not yet been determined. This will happen as part of detailed design in coordination with key stakeholders.


View the Engagement Summary Report

To view the full Consultation Report, access the 10 September 2024 Council Agenda.

Engagement Summary

What we asked

We asked our community if you supported the revised Draft Master Plan for Semaphore Foreshore. Following previous community engagements, a revised Draft Master Plan for Semaphore Foreshore was prepared that addressed the following key themes of previous consultation feedback:

  1. Keep the Carousel in existing location
  2. Events and Amusements requirements
  3. Review Activity Hub location and activities
  4. Retain monument location
  5. Optimise amount of grass
  6. Rationalise amount of paving
  7. More shade/shelter, consider keeping large shelter
  8. "Truly Semaphore" represent local character

*Relocation of the Train Hub to southern area of the foreshore adjacent the Esplanade

How we asked

Consultation on the revised draft Semaphore Foreshore Master Plan was open from 15 April to 19 May 2024 and was promoted through a variety of different avenues to ensure that members across our community had the opportunity to review the revised Plan and shared their feedback, if they would like to.

What we heard

  • General Survey

    203 responses from adults aged 20 to 84 years.

    Do you support the revised Draft Master Plan for Semaphore Foreshore?

    • Yes - 45 people, 22%
    • Yes, but I have some thoughts/concerns I'd like considered - 124 people, 61%
    • No - 34 people, 17%
  • Student Survey

    27 responses from young people aged 10 to 18 years.

    What do you think about the revised Draft Master Plan?

    • I like it - 17 students, 63%
    • It needs some work - 7 students, 26%
    • I don't like it - 3 students, 11%
  • School Workshops

    219 primary school students from years 2 to 6, participated in workshops with community engagement staff.

    Do you like the revised draft Master Plan? (190 students answered this questions)

    • I like it - 100 students, 53%
    • It needs some work - 79 students, 41%
    • I don't like it - 11 students, 6%

Recurring themes across engagement responses

  • Support

    • Support for the overall Plan and support for the revised changes to the Plan
    • More grass and trees
    • The waterplay and activity hub
    • Increased / retention of shade
  • Opposition / Concern

    • Desire for more trees, shade, seats and accessibility
    • Moving the train
    • Cost
    • Insufficient improvement
  • General suggestions

    • Expand the waterplay features (i.e. slides and mist machines)
    • Add nighttime lighting for atmosphere
    • Enhance activity hub (i.e. equipment / infrastructure, specialist skate design)


Images - Final Master Plan

Aerial - Existing Vs. Final Master Plan

Existing - Semaphore Foreshore Final Master Plan


At the Ordinary Council Meeting on the 10 September 2024, Council endorsed the Final Master Plan for Semaphore Foreshore. We will now proceed with Detailed Design for the foreshore upgrades and explore external funding opportunities to support construction of the Master Plan which is currently scheduled to begin from 2026 subject to Councils annual business plan and budget processes.

We have worked closely with key stakeholders, including the National Train Museum, to create a new mini steam train hub further south along the Foreshore. This will include a new station and turn around area for the train to promote a stronger train focus and improve flow for people walking and cycling along the main promenade.

The new Train Hub includes a new station, maintenance shed, and shaded, grassed waiting areas for passengers.

Currently people walking and cycling need to cross the track, which causes congestion and reduces accessibility and safety. The Promenade will be clutter free of any tracks and/or crossing points.

Yes, the Final Master Plan shows the existing monuments maintained in their current locations within the main plaza. This includes the Protector Gun, the anchor and the Angel statue.

We consulted with Kaurna elders throughout the process and they have provided some great ideas that have enriched the outcomes of the plan. Kaurna storytelling and heritage will be integrated throughout the design in elements such as paving, seating walls and sculptures, with a particular focus on the water play area.

Yes, the existing toilet block near the Esplanade is staying and will be upgraded to include a Changing Places facility.

The toilets in the southern end (near Coppin St) will also be getting an upgrade.

Yes, definitely! There is an abundance of seating scattered throughout the site. It is very hard to show on the Plan at this scale. There are seats located in the new shelters, as well along the Promenade and Central Plaza area. There are also low seating walls surrounding the Kiosk, Activity Hub, Playspace and Water Play area, which also provide additional seating options. There will be a variety of seats with low backs and with and without arm rests to provide a range of accessibility options for all users. There will also be additional bins located around the site near the seats.

The Activity Hub includes something for all ages incorporating a skate plaza area, basketball half court and outdoor fitness equipment. The adjoining playground will also be upgraded as part of the Master Plan project.

The Final Master Plan for Semaphore Foreshore shows a high level overview of where we propose to position key elements around the foreshore. Detailed design of each element and exact details, such as the playground and activity hub will be part of the next stage of the project.

The Final Master Plan includes many improvements to access of the Semaphore Foreshore, including:

  • Improved and consolidated pathways including uninterrupted continuation of shared pathway along the promenade.
  • Upgraded toilet facility including a Changing Places facility.
  • Formalised beach access including ramp access to the beach.
  • Increased shade, shelter and seating.
  • Communication Boards will be installed at the upgraded playground.

Yes, beach showers will be included near the kiosk and also will be integrated near the water play.

No, we will not be impacting on any of the dunes areas and the care, maintenance and management of the dunes is always ongoing. This is a separate project and many volunteers give their time so generously to the management of the Dunes that are so unique to Semaphore.

We are retaining the structure of the large existing BBQ shelter and extending it over the water play area. The location of this shelter is important as it appears in many of our historical photos of Semaphore.

The structure will receive minor improvements such as paint touch ups and new roof sheeting.

A new shelter which reflects and compliments the existing shelter shed is proposed over the water play area and will be integrated with the existing shelter.

The Carousel will be remaining it its current location and we will be upgrading the surrounding shelter to showcase this much loved amusement.

The final Semaphore Foreshore Master Plan has been estimated to cost $23.1 million. This amount includes significant provisions for detailed design and contingencies but excludes escalation beyond mid-2024. Escalation is estimated to add an additional $2.3m to the final project costs.

This project is to be considered as part of Council’s Long-Term Financial Plan (LTFP) which will be released for consultation in mid to late September 2024.

Council will continue to gain cost certainty, as the project progresses to detailed design, and with the undertaking of a prudential management report. Ongoing and disciplined value management will be required to ensure the project is delivered within the project allocation.

A Master Plan is a high level document which guides the future direction of all development across the site for many years to come. A Master Plan designs the spaces and proposes the location of key elements around the site. Whilst the visuals are very realistic they are an artist impression only. A Master Plan will not drill down to the exact details, for example, what play equipment would be included and what bin will be used. The next stage is to move to detailed design, where exact locations, materials etc. are determined and costed.

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