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The Final Master Plan

The design is now complete and ready to progress to the next stage.

Thank you very much for sharing your feedback on the revised Draft Master Plan for Semaphore Foreshore during April and May 2024. The revised Plan was developed from all of the feedback we received on the first draft and addressed a number of the concerns highlighted by our community, as well as retaining what our community told us they loved.

A Report was presented to Council at the 10 September 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting sharing what we heard from our community and asking for endorsement of the Final Master Plan to progress to detailed design. The Final Master Plan considered all of the feedback we heard from our community, incorporating changes where possible.

The Engagement Summary is available via the tabs below along with the Final Master Plan and project next steps.

View the Final Master Plan

Overview - Final Master Plan

Water Play and Kaurna Storytelling
Events and Amusements
Activity Hub
Grassed Space
Natural Shade
Re-located Train Station
Shade and Shelter
Public Toilet
New Kiosk and Cafe
Upgraded Playground
Refurbished Public Toilets
Shade structure with seating
Shade structure with seating and BBQ
Shade structure with seating and BBQ
Shade structure with seating
Stone Fence / Border

​How we incorporated your feedback into the final design

Following feedback we received during community engagement, we worked with our design team to refine and finalise the Master Plan for Semaphore Foreshore which includes the below adjustments:

  • The inclusion of additional trees, where possible (increase from 23 to 45 additional trees)
  • Suggested planting palette and tree selection (view full Master Plan)
  • Clarification of the locations of seating, shelters and BBQ provisions
  • More seating included throughout the site, including accessible seating.
  • Further consideration of additional lighting options throughout the site
  • Development of the Train Hub area, moving the station away from the road and increasing visibility. This location allows for the continuation of the foreshore shared pathway while also improving safety and movement along the Esplanade footpath, reducing visual impact for foreshore residents and allowing the creation of a new home for the historic steam train.

Next steps

The Draft Master Plan was presented to Council at the 10 September 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting along with the full community engagement findings (view the Council Meeting Agenda). At the Council Meeting, Council endorsed the Final Master Plan for Semaphore Foreshore. We will now proceed with Detailed Design for the foreshore upgrades and explore external funding opportunities to support construction of the Master Plan which is currently scheduled to begin from 2026 subject to Councils annual business plan and budget processes.

The exact design for elements within the Master Plan such as the Activity Hub, Water Play and Kaurna Storytelling and upgraded playground, have not yet been determined. This will happen as part of detailed design in coordination with key stakeholders.


Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:

Phone 08 8405 6600
Community Engagement

Our Community Engagement Policy

Note name and address are required to comply with Council’s Public Consultation Policy. All submissions will be treated as public documents upon receipt.

Closing the loop, we will make efforts to 'close-the-loop' with project contributors and followers. We may occasionally send information to acknowledge a contribution, provide key updates on engagement and project processes and outcomes.