What's happening
The Semaphore Foreshore North playground (next to the Palais Hotel) is a popular site with local and visiting families. The existing play equipment has reached the end of its useful asset life and we're looking for your ideas and feedback on the types of equipment and play experiences, you'd like to have at the upgraded space.
We aim to provide a variety of playgrounds across our community that cater for different ages, interests and abilities. The Semaphore Foreshore North Playground has a focus on junior play opportunities. This is complimented by the closely located Semaphore Foreshore Playground positioned next to the Semaphore Kiosk, which has a focus on adventure and challenging play for a wider variety of ages. The central foreshore playground (located next to the kiosk) will be upgraded as part of the Semaphore Foreshore Master Plan.
Thank you for sharing your ideas and feedback on the play equipment and experiences you'd like to have at the Semaphore Foreshore North playground. This engagement closed on Sunday 27 October 2024. You can find out what we heard from our community and the project next steps, by selecting the tabs below.
Semaphore Foreshore playground locations

Engagement summary
What we asked
We asked our community if you thought the new Semaphore Foreshore North playground should have a theme and what equipment you'd most like to see at this redeveloped space. We also asked for feedback from users of the existing Liberty Swing to find out how our community uses this specialised item of play element.
How we asked
What we heard
Key comments and feedback received about the Liberty Swing and accessible play equipment:
- Suggestions from respondents of other accessible equipment / supporting amenities that could be considered as part of the redevelopment
- Comments sharing support for creating an inclusive space for all
- Comments detailing support for the Liberty Swing to be retained and / or replaced when needed
- Comments about the fenced space around the Liberty Swing and whether this could be reduced, or the swing could be incorporated into the playground
Is there anything else you'd like to share about this playground redevelopment?
- Requests to maintain focus on junior play
- Requests to establish a fence around the playground
- Comments about additional tables and chairs
- Requests to provide play experiences for a range of ages
- Comments about the importance of shade over the play area
- Requests for ramps within the playground / support for current ramps
- Support for stone fence and the barrier and seating opportunity it offers
Next steps
Thank you for all of your feedback. We are now working with a Landscape Architect to develop a playground concept with an underwater sea life theme and incorporating as many play experiences as possible. A concept design will be available for further comment in early 2025.