The proposal

We proposed to construct a pedestrian refuge crossing on Pauls Drive.

The pedestrian refuge crossing will:

  • Provide a safe two-stage crossing point near Pauls Drive Reserve and Valley View Kindergarten.
  • Calm traffic movements on Pauls Drive, as motorists will need to slow down to travel past the pedestrian crossing.

Please note that there are parking controls associated with the pedestrian crossing we are proposing. These controls will prevent residents and motorists from parking right next to the crossing.

You can view the plan for the proposed pedestrian crossing by following the link below.

Thank you for sharing your feedback on the proposal. Engagement closed on Tuesday 7 November 2023.

What we asked

We asked residents how they normally travel along Pauls Dr, if they thought speed was currently an issue on Pauls Dr and what they thought about the proposal to introduce a pedestrian crossing on Pauls Dr.

How we asked

What we heard

How do you travel along Pauls Dr?

Do you think speed is an issue on Pauls Dr?

What do you think about the proposal to install a pedestrian crossing on Pauls Dr?


  • No need for pedestrian crossing
  • Street too narrow for a refuge
  • Concerns that the crossing would congest traffic (cars and bicycles)

Next steps

At the Ordinary Council Meeting on 12 December 2023, Council received and noted the Report titled "Gepps Cross, Northfield (North), Walkley Heights & Valley View – Local Area Traffic Management Scheme – Community Feedback" and decided not to progress with the Pauls Drive Pedestrian Refuge and instead re-evaluate the traffic conditions 12 months after the endorsed LATM projects for Northfield (north) & Valley View.

We will communicate the upcoming works and expected timelines with affected residents in 2024.