What's happening

At PAE, we are committed to improving road safety and creating a safer roadside environment. This includes working proactively with the community through our Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) program to understand and resolve local traffic issues.

As part of the Valley View LATM, we have collected and reviewed traffic data indicating that:

  • Each day, between 1,600–1,900 vehicles drive along Pauls Drive, which is also a bus route.
  • At certain locations on Pauls Drive, 85% of motorists travel at speeds higher than 55km/hr, which is above the acceptable speed limit for a local road.

During October and November 2023, we asked our community for feedback on two proposed traffic calming treatments for Pauls Drive to improve community safety and create a safer roadside environment:

  • Raised platform intersection - Pauls Drive, Valley View
  • Pedestrian Refuge Crossing - Pauls Drive, Valley View

You can find out what we heard from our community and the project next steps, by following the links below.