
Elder Rd and Mersey Rd Bike Way

14 March 2023

We have identified that the Mersey Road bicycle route is an important secondary route linking the employment centres within the Lefevre Peninsula.

We are proposing several treatments along this route to improve cycling. Different treatments have been selected based upon the streetscape. A separate path has been provided where there is sufficient width within the verge. For section of Mersey Road that are greater than 9m, we can re-allocate space within the existing road cross-section to provide a dedicated on-road bicycle path while still maintaining two travel lanes for traffic and parking on the western side (property side) of Mersey Road. At other constrained locations, we are providing the ‘shared road’ pavement marking to highlight this is part of a cycling route.

We have been successful in receiving grant funding under the State Bicycle Fund for these improvements.

For more information and to provide your feedback, please visit the Walking and Cycling Plan project page.