Join us on our journey planning an Aboriginal Cultural Centre for PAE

We have been working closely with local Aboriginal Custodians, including the Aboriginal Advisory Panel, to create a shared vision for a new Aboriginal Cultural Centre in Yartapuulti, the heart of Port Adelaide.

Yitpi Yartapuultiku Working Group

The Yitpi Yartapuultiku Working Group (YYWG) is a large group of Aboriginal community members who have worked consistently and collaboratively on the design development for Yitpi Yartapuultiku over the past two years.

The YYWG was identified as a collective of Aboriginal people who represented the Council region who provide cultural authority and leadership for and on behalf of the community and Yitpi Yartapuultiku.

Our shared vision

The concept of an Aboriginal Cultural Centre in PAE has been discussed for more than 20 years.

Our Aboriginal Advisory Panel, Elders and community, our Project Custodians, have been instrumental in developing this shared ambition.

Our shared vision is

  • A place for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people to learn, experience and be immersed in Aboriginal culture.
  • A culturally safe place to gather. A place to practice, share, celebrate and record culture past, present and emerging.
  • A place to connect to country and culture.
Orange circle

Project Custodians share their thoughts on the meaning of the journey, the cultural centre, place, culture and Country (four short videos).

View our extended playlist of Aboriginal Cultural Centre Videos here

Ingrid O’Loughlin artwork, orange circle