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What's happening

We have a great opportunity to revitalise these two reserves by improving inclusion, safety and visibility across the sites and creating better connections with the upcoming Yitpi Yartapuultiku Aboriginal Cultural Centre. Thank you for sharing your feedback during July and August 2023, on the improvements that you would like to see at Joyce Snadden and Old Port Canal Reserves.

The upgrades to the reserves will include new walking and cycling pathways, improved access to the waterfront for launching of kayaks and canoes and open space activation, including picnic and socialisation spaces.

We will be removing the existing raised garden beds and sunken amphitheatre in Old Port Canal Reserve, to improve sight lines and safety across the site and adding new garden beds and low-level vegetation. The existing playground at Joyce Snadden Reserve has now reached the end of its useful life and will be removed from the site with a new nature playspace coming in early 2025 at Yitpi Yartapuultiku.

Construction of the reserve upgrades has now begun at Joyce Snadden Reserve and will continue through to Old Port Canal from approximately May 2025 through to November 2025. The pedestrian pathway along the northern edge of the reserves will remain open during construction.

Concept design

Explore the final concept design for Joyce Snadden and Old Port Canal Reserves by selecting the different icons on the image below.

Engagement summary

What we asked

We asked our community to tell us about the key recreation, play and reserve features that you'd really like to have at Joyce Snadden and Old Port Canal Reserves and how you'd like to be able to use these community spaces in the future.

How we asked

What we heard

We asked our community to tell us about the key recreation, play and reserve features that you'd really like to have at Joyce Snadden and Old Port Canal Reserves.

What we heard

View the Joyce Snadden and Old Port Canal


Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:

Contact Information
Phone 08 8405 6600
Community Engagement

Our Community Engagement Policy

Note name and address are required to comply with Council’s Public Consultation Policy. All submissions will be treated as public documents upon receipt.

Closing the loop, we will make efforts to 'close-the-loop' with project contributors and followers. We may occasionally send information to acknowledge a contribution, provide key updates on engagement and project processes and outcomes.