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At the September 2021 meeting Council endorsed the ‘Narrow Streets Parking and Access Policy’. Implementation of this Policy is well underway, with approximately 100 streets having been completed so far. As the roll out continues, if you reside on one of these streets identified for this program, we will be in contact with you to discuss proposed treatments and the timing.

The policy is available for download on the City of PAE website on the Policies and guidelines page.

The Narrow Streets Parking and Access policy seeks to ensure equitable access and use of local streets that are narrow (typically less than 7.0 metres in width). The policy also assists Council to meet the legal obligations for road management. Importantly, the policy provides a way to create a safer road environment for our community.

Engagement with community across the City of PAE was undertaken in May to June 2021 through community meetings and on Have your say PAE. More than 7000 residents and property owners on 285 streets were sent letters. More than 600 responses were received. The engagement sought to understand community views and issues experienced by people living on or near narrow streets. Approximately 75% of respondents were supportive of the policy. Many respondents provide specific, local information that has informed the strategy or recorded to inform implementation.

A summary of submissions and how these have been considered is available for download below.

Implementing the Policy

We are in the process of implementing the recommendations outlined in this policy, it is expected to take over five years from commencement to completion, with the program scheduled to be finalised by the end of 2028. A staging plan has been developed to ensure the timely and efficient delivery of these street improvements to the community.

If your property is on one of the streets included in this plan, our staff will contact you to discuss the proposed treatments and the anticipated timing of the works.


No. Streets

Financial Year


Stage 1 - Top 25




Stage 1A

Approx. 38



Stage 2

Approx. 39

End of 2024

Largest concentration of 'narrow streets'
Suburbs - Semaphore, Largs Bay, Peterhead, Birkenhead

Stage 2A

Approx. 47

End of 2025

Active LATMS
Suburbs - Hillcrest, Manningham, Gilles Plains, Windsor Gardens, Klemzig

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Approx. 71

Approx. 95

Approx. 64

End of 2026

End of 2027

End of 2028

Suburbs – Rosewater, Taperoo, North Haven, Osborne, Kilburn, Wingfield, Blair Athol, Enfield, Greenacres

Northgate, Croydon Park, Mansfield Park

Suburbs – Rosewater, North Haven, Devon Park, Ethelton, Exeter, Largs North, Osborne, Wingfield, Ottoway

Blair Athol, Broadview, Clearview, Kilburn, Port Adelaide


Approx. 400

Please contact us via or phone 8405 6600 for more information.


Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:

Contact Information
Phone 08 8405 6600
Community Engagement

Our Community Engagement Policy

Note name and address are required to comply with Council’s Public Consultation Policy. All submissions will be treated as public documents upon receipt.

Closing the loop, we will make efforts to 'close-the-loop' with project contributors and followers. We may occasionally send information to acknowledge a contribution, provide key updates on engagement and project processes and outcomes.