What's happening

Our vision for PAE is clear: we aspire to be "A welcoming, liveable City: made by people". Made by you! You are what makes PAE a uniquely diverse and vibrant place.

That’s why we invited you to share your thoughts on our draft Four Year Business Plan (4YBP). This was your opportunity to tell us how we can create a connected, prosperous, and green city where everyone loves to live, work, and play.

Our plan is guided by four key goals: a Thriving Community, a Prosperous Economy, a Clean and Green City, and Places for People. These goals will shape our actions as we strive to make PAE more inclusive, sustainable, and innovative.

The 4YBP ensures we’re prioritising what matters most - investing in infrastructure, services, and community programs that will create a lasting, positive impact on PAE.

Thank you for sharing your feedback on our draft 4YBP. Following engagement findings showing support for the draft plan, the final plan was endorsed by Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday 28 January 2025.

You can find out what we heard from our community under the Engagement Summary tab and view the final 4YBP by clicking the button below.

Engagement Summary

What we asked

Community consultation on the 4YBP commenced on 13 November 2024 and concluded on 15 December 2024. We asked our community:

  • If you thought the draft 4YBP covered what is important for our PAE Community;
  • To what degree to you believe the 'What we will do' statements will allow us to achieve our goals under our four strategy areas; and
  • Overall, if the 4YBP will allow us to deliver our City Vision of "A welcoming, liveable City: made by people".

How we asked

What we heard

More than half of survey respondents (7 out of 12) indicated they believed the draft 4YBP covered what is important for PAE, three respondents indicated they did not believe it covered what was important and two respondents indicated they weren’t sure.

Of those that indicated they were ‘Not sure’ or that something was missing, feedback included:

  • A desire for more parking areas for specific locations (1), and for community forums (1)
  • Query about alignment to existing decision and policies and the plan being ‘very broad’

When asked about whether they felt the "What we will do" statements for each of the four headline strategies would support the achievement of the City Vision goals, a majority of respondents answered in support.

The results indicated:

  • Highest levels of agreement with Prosperous Economy
  • Lowest levels of agreement with Clean and Green City

When asked about whether they felt that overall, the 4YBP will allow PAE to deliver on the City Vision, five respondents were supportive of the 4YBP and a further three were neutral. There were four respondents who either disagreed (2) or strongly disagreed (2) with this statement.

Summary of consultation themes received through comments:

  • A couple of comments endorsing actions to support the local economy, with a focus on local and small to medium businesses.
  • One comment related to keeping rates low/affordable.
  • A number of comments (5) about the environment in general and trees in particular. Comments varied between appreciation for the focus on greening/valuing the natural environment through to dissatisfaction with the species of trees previously planted in specific locations or with council’s response to reported issues with trees.
  • Support for Yitpi Yartapuultiku (1)
  • There were suggestions that council should be doing more:
    • To support the transition to a more sustainable and greener city
    • Transport and infrastructure planning to respond to an increasing population

Next steps

Based on the feedback provided during consultation, no changes to the 4YBP were recommended. The 4YBP is intentionally high-level and, as currently constructed, provides Council with the flexibility to respond to comments via the development of subsidiary plans (that will sit underneath the headline strategies). Actions within plans can be scaled up or down to accelerate or decelerate council’s activities in a particular area.

Council Strategies

Council Headline Strategies

Everything we do at City of PAE is shaped by our City Vision 2024-34 and our four Strategies below.

Each Strategy is comprised of strategic statements with a clear line of sight to key City Vision Objectives. Each Plan is comprised of commitments derived from selected strategic statements.

Together, our Strategies and their associated Plans will deliver the goals of the City Vision.

Strategic Management Framework

Our Strategic Management Framework demonstrates how our suite of plans work together to deliver on our long-term City Vision.

  • Council Strategies and Plans

    Council has committed to establishing a new suite of headline strategies aligned to the Goals of the City Vision. These strategies contain a suite of strategic statements that outline what we’ll do to achieve the objectives of the City Vision.

    View the Council Strategies tab