Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to common questions on the Semaphore Foreshore Master Plan
- What is a Master Plan?
- Why is the Master Plan being prepared?
- What will the Semaphore Foreshore Master Plan project deliver?
- What is a Master Plan?
A master plan is a planning document, that will include site analysis, background information and a Concept design, with plans and visuals. The Master plans typically include staging plans and costings for the future.
Master plans provide direction on the types and locations of landscape features such as open space and gardens, business activities, buildings, pathways, lighting and street furniture (eg lighting, bins, seat etc)
Master plans are developed in conjunction with local businesses, general community and other key stakeholders.
- Why is the Master Plan being prepared?
It has been a long time since the Foreshore was comprehensively upgraded. Preparing the Masterplan provides an opportunity to re-imagine the area and the role it will play into the future. This includes considering amenity, resilience to climate change, recreation and play spaces, events and entertainment, safety, heritage, technology, accessibility, and business activities.
The Master Plan will identify how the much-loved Foreshore can be a vibrant place for people to enjoy, all year round for many years to come.
- What will the Semaphore Foreshore Master Plan project deliver?
This Project will deliver a Master Plan Report which will guide the future direction and delivery of projects for the Foreshore to ensure the area remains an important recreational and tourism destination, all year round.
- What area will the Master Plan consider
Refer to Map
The core area of the Master Plan will include the Foreshore area, within the Semaphore suburb boundary from Hart Street to Union Street.
The intersection between the Foreshore and Semaphore road is an important inclusion to give consideration to the movement and connectivity for people walking and vehicles, particularly in peak times.
Semaphore Road from the Esplanade to Military Road is to be included at a high level in regards to connectivity, movement and placemaking opportunities.
The outer areas of the Master Plan, including the jetty, Semaphore South, the dunes, the beach areas and the Time ball tower reserve, will not be designed in detail, but are all to be considered at a high level, when studying the context and broader areas.
- How much will the Master Plan cost?
Council have allocated funding to develop the Master Plan in the 2021/2022 Financial Year.
Implementation of the Master Plan outcomes is subject to future funding; however, it is intended that the Master Plan delivery will be staged over several years and will include Quick wins, priority projects, short term, medium term and long term outcomes.
- How long will the Master Plan process take?
It will take about 6-8 months to develop the Master Plan.
Indicative Timeline:
- Early engagement to inform the Vision & Guiding Principles – October/November 2021
- Concept Design released – Jan/Feb 2022
- Engagement of Concept Design – Feb 2022
- Design development – April/May 2022
- Final Master Plan – May 2022
(subject to change)
- What is happening to the waterslide?
Council has released a statement regarding the Semaphore waterslide, view here.
Council has previously endorsed the development of a Master Plan for the Semaphore Foreshore precinct, and part of the process will address whether a waterslide/water play area should be included and what would be the best location. Part of this process will include community consultation before any decisions are made.
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- How can I contribute to what is included in the Master Plan?
There will be a variety of opportunities to contribute to the Master Plan via Have Your Say PAE (this website) and in person.
- There will be opportunities to contribute to the Vision and Guiding principles in the coming weeks.
- There will be another opportunity to comment on the Concept Design for the Foreshore, in the new year.
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All responses will be read and will be considered when developing the concept design for the Foreshore.
- How will walking, cycling and driving, including parking, be considered?
The Master Plan will consider all aspects of movement to, from and within the Foreshore area. This includes accessibility and parking.
Parking is an important function of the Foreshore and will be considered in the Master Plan outcomes.
- How will Semaphore Road be considered in the Master Plan?
Semaphore Road will be considered at a high level, in terms of connectivity to the Foreshore and is an important consideration of the design outcomes. It is not intended that a full design will be done for Semaphore Road.
- What is happening with operators at the Foreshore?
As part of the early engagement for the Master Plan Foreshore we will engage with business and event operators to understand their desires for the future of the site.
The feedback received from the community about what they value about the site, alongside the views of site operators, will be used to inform the types and locations of activities in the draft Master Plan.
- Will the Master Plan include the dune and beach areas?
No, the dunes and beach area will not be included in the design, however any new proposals will need to be considerate of the Dunes and beach area to not cause any impact.
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